

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names


Boy Names That Mean Fox

Boy Names That Mean Fox

Boy Names That Mean Fox
© iStock.com/Zigmunds Dizgalvis
Boy Names That Mean Fox

Boy Names That Mean Fox

From Zorro to Colin to Wolf and beyond, this list of boy names that mean fox is filled with a rich selection. Peruse the options and find the perfect fit for your child.

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Fox

  • Warg — A name for boys that means "evil wolf," Warg is a mature and uncommon name with Old Norse origins.
  • Balgair — An Irish name for boys, Balgair is a classic name with a modern flair. The name means "fox."
  • Sly — This English name means "cunning or crafty individual." Its often used as a nickname and most people refer to foxes as sly.
  • Blakesly — This strong boy's name is homely and powerful. It is a name that means "fox" and has origins in Mexico.
  • Colin — A common name for boys originating from Gaeli origins. The name means "little dog."
  • Wolf — This name means wild animal. The wolf and fox are very similar animals.
  • Tala — An elegant name for a girl, Tala has Native American origins. It means "wolf."
  • Skoll — An unusual name with Norse origins, the name Skoll is powerful and fascinating. The name means "wolf who chases the sun."
  • Devoss — An unusual and uncommon name for boys, Devoss sounds stern and professional. The name means "the fox" and originates from the Dutch language.
  • Shuall — A unique name for a boy, Shuall means "fox, first." The name was of Biblical origins.
  • Adolf — There are several spelling variations for this common boy's name, including Adolph. Sadly, many people associate the name with Adolph Hitler. The name means "noble" and "wolf."
  • Todd — The name Todd is popular in America, although back in its heyday in the 1970s and 1980s, thousands of kids received the name. Todd means "wold."
  • Bleddyn — Looking for a Welsh name for a boy? Bleddyn is modern, unique, and smooth. This name means "Wolf hero."
  • Nastas — A unique boy's name, Nastas means "curve like foxtail grass." It isn't popular but certainly a curious name. Nastas has Native American origins.
  • Dawaco — A common name for a boy's in Somali but rarely used elsewhere. This name means "dark fox."
  • Zorro — An awesome name for a boy, Zorro means "fox." There's also a popular character (created in the early 1900s) with the same name.
  • Crevven — This uncommon boy's name has a modern ring to it and since it is uncommon, gives him a unique name. It has Irish origins.
  • Siwili — A Native American name meaning "tail of the fox." Boys with this name grow up to become strong and independent.
  • Fennec — This simple name is given to a boy. It is a type of fox native to Africa. It's also the name of a Hunger Games character.
  • Tokala — A strong name for boys, Tokala has Native American origins. It has a simple meaning of "fox."
  • Conan — Conan is a boy's name that means "wolf or hound." Late-night TV host Conan O'Brien is one celebrity sharing this common Irish name.
  • Huli — This uncommon boy's name is simple and short, yet powerful. It has Chinese origins and means "fox."
  • Shaalabbim — This name means "son of a fox." The name for boys is unique, though can be difficult to pronounce. It is commonly used as a name in Israel.
  • Badulf — A cool, catchy name for boys, Badulf is a derivation of the word "wulf," which means wolf. The name has German origins.
  • Ulpius — An unusual name given to a boy, this name means "wolf" in Umbrian language.

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