

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names


Boy Names That Mean Butterfly

Boy Names That Mean Butterfly

Boy Names That Mean Butterfly
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Boy Names That Mean Butterfly

Boy Names That Mean Butterfly

From Flutur to Jay to Danaus and beyond, each of these boy names that mean butterfly is handsome and one-of-a-kind. Take a look and find the perfect name for your son.

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Butterfly

  • Aaron - The name Arron means 'exalted' or 'strong' in Hebrew. It's also the name of an orange and brown butterfly (the Aaron Skipper) primarily found in New Jersey.
  • Admiral - Admiral is a fitting name for a boy with a take-charge attitude. The name is linked to the Red Admiral butterfly.
  • Adonis - Adonis is a familiar name for a handsome boy. The name refers to a gorgeous blue butterfly.
  • Aglais - Aglais is a multicolored brush-footed butterfly also known as the peacock butterfly. The name itself stems from a Greek word that means 'splendid' or 'shining.'
  • Apollo - As a name, Apollo denotes strength. The moniker is also associated with an angelic-looking butterfly. It has white wings with red marks on the hind wings and black specks on the forewings.
  • Argus - Greek mythology describes Argus as ‘the guardian with many eyes.’ The name also refers to a butterfly with a dotted outline on its tail.
  • Blade - If you're looking for a name with an edge, consider Blade. The name is associated with a butterfly knife, which is a type of switchblade. Although the instrument is illegal in some states, it makes a cool name for a sharp little boy.
  • Danaus - Danaus is a powerful Greek name for your little tiger. A butterfly with tiger-like stripes shares the name.
  • Ekval - Ekval is a name of Indian origin that means ‘butterfly.’ It also represents beauty and a free spirit.
  • Faranak - In Muslim countries, the name Faranak is common. It is of Persian origin and derives from Parvaneh, meaning ‘butterfly.’
  • Flutur - Flutur is a common name in Albania and Kosovo. It means ‘butterflies.’
  • Fresco - Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, Fresco means 'fresh start.' The name has Italian roots.
  • Hector - The moniker Hector has French, Spanish, English, and Scottish origins. It means to 'hold or possess.' The name is also connected to a swallowtail butterfly with black, white, and crimson-rose wings.
  • Jay - The moniker Jay belongs to a butterfly of the swallowtail family. The name is of Latin origin.
  • Kamehameha - Kamehameha is a unique Hawaiian name that means 'the one set apart.' It also refers to a type of butterfly located only in Hawaii.
  • Laertes - The name Laertes means ‘gatherer of the people.’ It‘s a boy‘s name from Ancient Greek. It’s also the name of a butterfly found in South and Central America.
  • Leander - Leander is the name of a butterfly found in Armenia, Asia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Russia. It sports a yellowish brown underside with hints of gray/green on its hindwings.
  • Memengwa - Memengwa is a gender-neutral name mostly given to boys of the Ojibwe tribe. This Native American name means 'butterfly.'
  • Perhonen - The name Perhonen is Finnish and means ‘butterfly’. It is a masculine name.
  • Taurins - Taurins is a boy's name of Latin origin. It refers to the Taurus zodiac sign and a 'bright colored butterfly.'
  • Titus - Titus is a masculine moniker of Greek and Latin origins. In Greek, it means 'of the giants' and in Latin, it translates to a 'title of honor.' The name is also associated with the Satyrium Titus, a beautiful gray butterfly with coral streaks.
  • Ulysses - Ulysses is a Latin name linked to a swallowtail butterfly. The male species has a bluish-green color with black edges.
  • Viceroy - The name Viceroy belongs to a long list of royal baby names. It means 'one who represents the king.' The name also points to a North American butterfly that resembles the Monarch.
  • Vivalter - The name Vivalter comes from Middle German. It's a rare masculine moniker, meaning ‘butterfly.'
  • Xiuhtecuhtli - A name of Aztec origin, Xiuhtecuhtli refers to the 'God of fire.' He is said to appear in many forms, including a figure with butterfly wings.' You pronounce this name Shoo-teh-coot-lee.

Tips for Picking a New Baby Name

Picking a baby's name can be a challenging endeavor. Parents want to make a choice that they like, but that also will suit their child. If you're stressing over the thought of picking out a name for your child, check out these tips.

Stay organized. The more organized you are throughout this process, the easier it will be for you. Try to limit yourself to 100 names that you like, and keep them organized in a list or spreadsheet. If you start accumulating more than 100 names that you like, you'll overwhelm yourself. It will also take a very long time for you to narrow the list down. Keep your list somewhere where you can easily access it.

Prepare to compromise. It's possible that you and your partner will be unable to settle on a name that you both love. If this is the case, you'll need to be able to compromise to find a name for your baby. Consider what names you'd be willing to go for if you can't settle on anything you like more. Or, prepare to re-start the search if your initial search doesn't produce any names you agree on.

Don't overthink it. Overthinking is a plague that besets many people. If you begin to overthink your baby's name, you're only going to complicate it. You'll start worrying about things that really don't matter in the long run, such as if you should spell the name with an extra letter or not. Ultimately, you should focus on picking a name that satisfies you, not adjusting every small aspect of the name to try to make it absolutely perfect.

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