Bounty Was My Family's Favorite for Years, But These 8 Paper Towel Brands Are Better
If you're like me, you're a creature of habit, especially when you go grocery shopping. I'm particularly picky when it comes to my preferred paper towel brands. I want to find a paper towel that I can depend on to clean the stickiest messes in a matter of moments without it becoming a big hassle. For years, I depended on Bounty to handle my kitchen disasters, but over time, I'm starting to reconsider.
Yes, I know it may seem wrong to turn my back on a paper towel brand that I trusted for so long, but I'm just starting to see better options out there. Many of the name brands, like Scott and Brawny have been catching my attention, but that's not it. I'm starting to see more environmentally-friendly brands, like Seventh Generation and Marcal, that I feel good about using time after time. Here are eight alternative paper towel brands to consider for your little messes that may have you turning your back on Bounty.
For many years, Scott paper towels have been some of the best towels in the industry, second only to Brawny. However, I'm starting to like Scott more. Since 1879, Scott has been all about "common sense on a roll," and they have some great products.
Best Scott Products
There are many reasons why I put Scott above much of the competition. Their primary paper towels are incredibly absorbent and strong, so they can handle just about any mess with ease. They also have other great products that I have around my house, including their four-pack of toilet paper that has 1,000 sheets that can last for weeks.
As I continue to enjoy my cleaning journey, I am also finding that anther one of the best paper towel brands is Brawny. They have some of the softest paper towels, which is rather ironic since the company started out in the lumber business. Brawny is one of the largest brands. They even own Angel Soft and other popular companies, so there's a lot to love.
Why Choose Brawny
Brawny is famous for its incredible paper towel products. Some of their best products include their huge full-sheet rolls that allow you to clean up countless messes. One of the best things about these Brawny paper towels is that you can either tear them into squares or sheets of a specific size for the specific mess. The ability to pick and choose gives Brawny the edge over Bounty.
Most people run to the main brand paper towels, thinking that they're the best. Yes, Brawny and Bounty are great, but you'll be surprised what you find by expanding your horizons. One of the great paper towel companies is Sparkle. This is a budget towel company, meaning you may not get fancy designs and endless frills, but you will get a very absorbent paper towel for a great price.
Great Sparkle Products
Sparkle is undoubtedly one of the best paper towel brands. You get the same options as Bounty, like the ability to tear paper towels into squares or a sheet of your size, and you get them for a great price. If you have kids, then the added benefit of Sparkle products is that they have an adorable fairy on the packaging, which makes these paper towels fun for the whole family.
Viva paper towels are wonderful, which is a fact that's not much of a surprise. After all, Viva is owned by the company Kimberly-Clark, which is one of the largest paper producers that also makes pull-ups, Kleenex, and more. Viva paper towels set themselves apart because they are one-ply. However, they're almost as thick as two-ply, so you're getting a better bang for the buck.
What's Good at Viva?
You have a couple of choices when it comes time to pick up a great Sparkle product. For a great towel that tackles any mess, try their signature cloth that is soft, durable, and more than capable. Viva also has a multi-surface cloth that is pretty unbelievable because it can clean messes anywhere you find them. Either way, you're good to go!
Green Forest
Another one of the paper towel brands that often falls off of the radar is the Green Forest brand. This is a great brand to try if you have messes to tackle but you also want to help the environment. Green Forest paper towels are made out of 100% recycled material. The company also makes toilet paper and facial tissue. Still, even though they're "green" towels, they still do the job well.
Green Forest Products
In addition to being environmentally friendly, there's also a Green Forest product for just about any need. As far as paper towels, you're limited to a pack of one or three. However, the company has a lot more to offer, including various toilet paper, napkins, and facial tissue products. Fill your home with these products and you'll be mess-free while helping the planet.
Kirkland Signature
When you're looking for a bargain but you still want a great product, look no further than Kirkland. Often found at Costco stores, Kirkland makes high-quality paper towels that people love. In fact, as of 2020, Kirkland was America's highest-selling towel brand. In addition to being great for any job, Kirkland paper towels are also very affordable.
Kirkland Offers a Lot for a Great Price
Head down the aisle at Costco, and you'll be amazed when you see the huge package of 12 rolls with 160 sheets per roll. These are create-a-size sheets so you can tackle any mess. They're also two-ply, so they can handle anything. All-in-all, you're getting 1,026 square feet of paper towel goodness.
Seventh Generation
Another great paper towel option for folks who love to clean messes while also helping the planet, we have Seventh Generation, which is one of the best in the game. This company is obsessed with saving the environment, which is why it makes all of its paper towels and other products out of plants.
Strong Paper Towels
Make no mistake. Just because the paper towels are plant-based, it doesn't mean they can't handle tough messes. The towels are thick and absorbent, and they do a great job even when they're already wet. These paper towels don't use any inks, dyes, or fragrances, so you're not going to get a cute design on each sheet. But do you really need that? You can purchase them individually or as a six-pack.
Finally, no list of high-quality paper towel brands would be complete without mentioning Marcal. You may not have heard of these before, so it's time to get acquainted. This is another brand that claims to sell 100% recycled products, which helps your kitchen and the environment. This brand avoids the use of dyes or fragrances, is virtually lint-free, and is made in the United States.
Marcal Paper Products
The Marcal company does it all. They make paper towels, tissue, dispensers, and more. Though the paper towels are a bit more expensive when compared to other brands, they're well worth a try. The towels are very absorbent, and they can be used time after time. Marcal is a great brand that may soon be your new favorite.