



Learning & Activities


Fun Craft Ideas For Kids That Birds Will Love

Fun Craft Ideas For Kids That Birds Will Love

Fun Craft Ideas For Kids That Birds Will Love
Fun Craft Ideas For Kids That Birds Will Love

Fun Craft Ideas For Kids That Birds Will Love

Making crafts with your children can be a lot of fun. They involve a lot of creativity and patience. Crafts can be given away as gifts or used as decorations around the home. No matter what they are used for, they are definitely a way to have fun with your kids.

By using items from nature, children have the opportunity to explore and find things that are part of the great outdoors. It is cool to see what you can make out of sticks, rocks, leaves, or seashells. Crafts that are made from nature can result in either very simple creations or very elaborate works of art.

What are some of the things that can be made from nature’s materials? The following list will provide some suggestions for crafty and natural creations.

Cheerios Bird Feeder

The birds will love this.  Here are the items that you will need:

•    Pencil
•    Sugar ice cream cone
•    Pipe cleaner
•    Table knife
•    Creamy peanut butter
•    Cheerios
•    Birdseed

Poke a hole in the pointed end of the ice cream cone with the pencil. Twist a knot in the end of the pipe cleaner and thread it into the ice cream cone and out the hole. Using the knife, spread the peanut butter onto the exterior of the cone. Press the Cheerios onto the peanut butter until the cone is completely covered. Next, sprinkle birdseed onto the cone, using your fingers to press it. The birds will be in for a delicious treat.

Be aware that squirrels will more than likely go after this treat. Hopefully, the birds are able to get to it first! Consider placing it in a location that's difficult for squirrels to access. Suspending it on a long, thin wire from a branch may work, for example. Squirrels will find it difficult to reach the treat, but birds can still land on it.

Of course, you can always turn this into a squirrel treat if your kids want! Watching squirrels eat can be just as entertaining for kids as watching birds. Either way, this craft will help your child develop an appreciation for nature.

Milk Carton Birdhouse

Here is another craft to keep birds happy. The materials needed for this activity are:

•   Milk carton
•   Stapler and staples
•   Masking tape
•   A soft cloth or rag
•   Brown acrylic paint
•   Scissors
•   Twine

Make sure that the milk carton is cleaned out completely and thoroughly. Staple the top of it shut. Tear off small pieces of the masking tape and stick them all over the milk carton. With the cloth, wipe some brown acrylic paint evenly onto the milk carton. With the help of an adult, cut about a 4” hole above the bottom of the carton. It should about 1”-1 ½” in diameter. This is the bird’s entrance and exit.

Poke a few small holes into the top and bottom of the milk carton for drainage and ventilation. The last step is to string a piece of twine through another hole in order for you to hang it on a tree.

Pick a spot that's visible for the birds, but that offers some safety and seclusion. If you're trying to attract a certain kind of bird, do your research so you'll know what type of nesting location that species prefers. You may need to experiment with different locations. If you notice that no birds are investigating or using your birdhouse after some time, try moving it to another location.

Make sure your child knows to keep their distance from the birdhouse once birds nest in it. While it might be tempting for them to go close to get a view, the birds won't appreciate it. Your child may scare them off from nesting there, or, worse, they may get attacked. The birds don't know the difference between a curious child and a threat to their young. Instruct your child to remain several feet away, at least, at all times once birds begin nesting.

Bird Binoculars

Children will get a kick out of this activity. The materials needed are:

•    2 paper rolls, about 4”- 5” long
•    Single hole punch
•    Glue
•    Yarn or string

Ask your child to glue the two paper rolls together. Then, poke holes in each side of the binoculars. Next, put the yarn or string through the holes and tie the ends together. Your child is now ready to go bird watching outside. This is a fun and easy activity for nature!

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