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Baby Names That Mean Yellow

Baby Names That Mean Yellow

Baby Names That Mean Yellow
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Baby Names That Mean Yellow

Baby Names That Mean Yellow

From Jaune, which literally means yellow, to Saffron, which is an orange-yellow flower, each of these baby names that mean yellow is beautiful and unique. Explore the options and find the perfect name for your baby.

RELATED: Boy Names That Mean Yellow AND Girl Names That Mean Yellow

  • Amarilla - Amarilla is a golden Spanish girl's name. The specific meaning of this name is "yellow."
  • Aurixyrev - Aurixyrev is a yellowy unisex name taken from Draconic, the fictional language of dragons from the tabletop role-playing game known as "Dungeons & Dragons." The exact meaning of this name is "yellow gold." It should be pronounced "ar-ix-ir-ev."
  • Blaine - Blaine is an amber unisex name from the Scottish tongue. This name's exact meaning translates as "meek yellow one."
  • Boyd - Boyd is a golden-hued name for boys and girls taken from Old Irish. The meaning behind this particular name can mean "blond," "yellow gold" or "fair-haired."
  • Harichandana - Harichandana is an amber Indian name suitable for boys and girls. This one name can mean "Hari's sandal," "yellow moonlight" or "Lord Vishnu."
  • Jasmin - Jasmin is a flaxen name for lads and lasses that comes from both the Old Persian and Arabic languages. This particular name can mean "god's gift" or "jasmine," a plant with yellow elements.
  • Jaune - Jaune happens to be a fair-haired French girl's name. The exact meaning of this name is just "yellow."
  • Kapila - Kapila is a flaxen unisex name from the Sanskrit language. It can mean "tawny" or "reddish brown" and also happens to be the name of the Celestial Cow most understand exists within Hinduism.
  • Kepeskyrev - Kepeskyrev is a lemony name for boys and girls taken from Draconic. The meaning of this unique name translates as "yellow storm."
  • Kham - Kham is an amber Lao name for boys and girls. The particular meaning of this name translates as "yellow gold."
  • Kiiro - Kiiro is a flaxen Japanese name for boys and girls. The exact meaning of this name is "yellow."
  • Lall - Lall is an amber name that suits both boys and girls and hails from Sanskrit. The exact meaning of this name breaks down to "reddish-yellow."
  • Noransaek - Noransaek is a fair-hued unisex name from the Korean language. The meaning of this particular name is "yellow."
  • Primrose - Primrose is a yellowish English name for girls. The exact meaning of this name comes from the yellow flower known as a primrose.
  • Rumena - Rumena is a lemon-hued girl's name from Slovenia. The meaning of this particular name exactly translates as "yellow."
  • Saffron - Saffron is an Old English unisex name of amber meaning and Old English origin. This human name comes from the orange-yellow flower of the same name.
  • Sari - Sari is a fair-hued Turkish girl's name. This particular name means "yellow."
  • Såve - Såve is a golden unisex name that appears in both Old Norse and Latin. This one specific name can either mean "pale," "yellow," "greetings" and "good bye." It should be pronounced like "sove."
  • Wuxyrev - Wuxyrev is an amber and unisex Draconic name. The exact translation of this name would be "yellow one."
  • Yrevisk - Yrevisk is a blonde Draconic name of unisex application. The exact meaning of this name translates as "yellow star."
  • Yrevkethend - Yrevkethend is a gold choice of a name for boys and girls from Draconic. Its specific meaning translates as "yellow gem."
  • Yrevcaex - Yrevcaex is a golden Draconic name for lads and lasses. The meaning of this unique name translates as "yellow sword."
  • Yrevir - Yrevir is a Draconic name for boys and girls with an amber bearing. The particular meaning of this name is "yellow one."
  • Yrevrasvim - Yrevrasvim is a fair-hued Draconic name for boys and girls. The meaning behind this particular name is "yellow treasure."
  • Yrevner - Yrevner is a flaxen Draconic name for girls and guys. The translation of this name yields the phrase "yellow spear."

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