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Baby Names That Mean Guardian

Baby Names That Mean Guardian

Baby Names That Mean Guardian
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Baby Names That Mean Guardian

Baby Names That Mean Guardian

Parents naturally become guardians from the moment they learn they're expecting a little one. To raise a child with that same honor and dedication to protecting others is a noble endeavor, and as parents, you can lay that foundation by perusing this list of baby names that mean guardian and find the option that matches your hopes and dreams for your little one.

RELATED: Boy Names That Mean Guardian AND Girl Names That Mean Guardian

  • Griffith - Griffith is an old Welsh name meaning "chief," "lord," or "defender." It's also commonly associated griffins, which are fierce and legendary creatures from folklore.
  • Howard - Meaning "high guardian," Howard is a popular boy's name for defenders, protectors, and warriors. A shorter version is Ward.
  • Soteria - Soteria was the Greek goddess of safety and salvation. She's also associated with freedom, deliverance, and preservation from harm in general, so her name can be an excellent way to say "guardian."
  • Alessia - Alessia is a girl's name that means "defending warrior." It has Italian origins and is often used as the female version of the name Alessio.
  • Nakoa - Nakoa is a Hawaiian name that means "warriors" or "brave ones." It's used for both girls and boys.
  • William - William means "resolute protector" or "strong-willed warrior." Traditionally masculine, you can also shorten it to Billie for a female version.
  • Duncan - Duncan comes from Donnchadh, an old Gaelic name that means "dark-haired," "warrior," "chieftain," and other similar things. Its modern meaning is generally summarized as "dark warrior."
  • Lewis - Lewis is a boy's name that means "famous warrior." It comes from the Germanic name Ludwig, but that one's fallen out of favor in recent centuries.
  • Fremont - Of French origin, Fremont means "defender of freedom" or "defender of peace." The name has particular meaning to French independence fighters, but it can be used by anyone.
  • Rosamond - Rosamond is a girl's name with two meanings. The first is "rose," and the second is "horse protector." Taken together, they'll form a very fun and unique name!
  • Kai - Kai is a name with many meanings depending on its country of origin, including "ocean," "beautiful," "shell," "earth," and "recovery." In Welsh, it means "keeper of the keys."
  • Finley - Of Scottish, Irish, and Gaelic origins, Finley means "blond warrior" or "fair warrior." It'll be perfect for your little sun-kissed baby.
  • Shura - Shura is a gender neutral name that means "men's defender." Though it sounds a bit feminine, it's of Russian origin, and the -a ending is commonly used for boys there.
  • Casey - An Irish Gaelic name, Casey comes from cathasaigh, an archaic word meaning "watchful" or vigilant." It's a slightly different way of saying "guardian."
  • Gardner - This name has literal roots as a keeper or caretaker of a garden. If you're looking for a softer version of "guardian" without martial implications, Gardner could be a good choice.
  • Edward - Edward comes from root Old English words meaning "wealthy" and "guard." Another derivative is Edmund, meaning "wealthy" and "protector." Additional variations include Edwin, Edgar, and Edmar.
  • Regina - Meaning "queen," Regina can be used as a girl's name that means guardian. The queen is the guardian of her people.
  • Batair - Batair is a unique name that stems from the very beginnings of the Gaelic language family tree. It means "strong warrior."
  • Kennedy - Kennedy is a unisex baby name that means "helmet" or "chief." It can be used for little guardians of all genders.
  • Matty - Popular in German- and English-speaking countries, Matty means "mighty in battle." Note that this name is different from Matthew, which means "gift from God."
  • Raina - Raina is considered the female version of Ray, which means "wise guardian," so it can be a nice way to give your daughter a name of protection and guardianship.
  • Diamond - Though you might associate it with the gemstone, the original, Old English name Diamond means "bright guardian." It was also gender neutral back in the day, though it's more feminine now.
  • Einar - A Nordic name, Einar comes from either einarðr or einörð. They mean "bold" and "valor" respectively, so they're often used as a basis for warrior names.
  • Malou - Popular in France and the Netherlands, Malou has a number of meanings, including "exalted warrior." It's sometimes used as a short version of Marie-Lousie. Nicknames include Lou, Louie, May, Marie, and more.
  • Dealla - Hailing from Ireland, Dealla means "protector." It's sometimes translated as "early invader" as well, so it'll be perfect for preemies!

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