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Baby Names That Mean Freedom

Baby Names That Mean Freedom

Baby Names That Mean Freedom
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Baby Names That Mean Freedom

Baby Names That Mean Freedom

Freedom is beautiful ... a gift! So, too, are babies — on both counts. Give your little one any of these baby names that mean freedom, and they will be reminded daily of this wonderful facet of life.

RELATED: Boy Names That Mean Freedom AND Girl Names That Mean Freedom

  • Saoirse - Meaning "liberty," Saoirse has a lot of significance for those with Irish heritage. Just make sure that you're pronouncing it correctly: SUR-sha or SEER-sha.
  • Frances - Frances means "free one" in Latin. The female version is Francesca. It originally meant "one from France" or "free man," so it has a bit of French heritage as well.
  • Erkin - Pronounced AIR-kin, this unisex name comes from Turkey and means "free" and "independent." It looks like Erica or Erica, but its origins are much more unique.
  • Indie - An indie artist is one who is independent from commercial brands and labels. It can be used for a free-spirited child, too.
  • Eljin - Eljin is a Gaelic name with multiple meanings, including "one who provides freedom." If your baby has saved you, this is a great name for your little rescuer.
  • Amara - In Sanskrit, the word Amara means "deathless" or "immortal," which will free your child from the chains of everyday life.
  • Sadgati - Sadgati means "liberation" in its native country of India. It's both a regular, everyday word and a popular baby name for girls.
  • Isra - Pronounced IZ-rah, this beautiful baby name comes from Thailand. It means "freedom."
  • Charlotte - Charlotte is a French name that means "free" and sometimes "petite." Another spelling is Charlot, which is less common in America but popular in Scandinavian countries like Denmark and Norway.
  • Feronia - The Roman goddess of the wild, Feronia is associated with passion, nature, and untamed things. She's also a common symbol for rebellions. She was even considered the goddess of freed slaves and plebeians back in the day.
  • Avasa - Meaning "independent" in Hindi, this name is sure to give your daughter a strong start in life. However, it still has a gentle, feminine feeling.
  • Hernando - Hernando is a Spanish name that means "wanderer," "explorer," or "adventurer." Use it as a blessing for your son to roam freely and live fully.
  • Moksha - Moksha is a name derived from ancient Sanskrit. It means "liberation" and refers to liberating yourself from fear, ignorance, and doubt.
  • Rogue - Suitable for either gender, Rogue could be a bold choice for a child that you'll encourage not to color within the lines.
  • Hippolyta - A figure from Greek mythology, Hippolyta was queen of the Amazons and known for her fierce strength and wild nature. She's also associated with horses. In fact, her name etymology includes a combination of "horse" and "let loose."
  • Lirim - Pronounced either LEE-rim or LEER-im, this Albanian name means "freedom."
  • Altair - Altair is an Arabic name that means "bird," so it'll be an excellent choice for a free spirit who wants to fly high.
  • Nirvaan - Nirvaan means "liberation of the soul." You might recognize it from the word "nirvana."
  • Savannah - Give your daughter a name that calls upon all of the might and majesty of nature. A savanna is a wide open field where the horizon stretches for miles.
  • Sharmaine - Sharmaine has many lovely meanings, including "free," "beautiful," "strong," and "filled with delight." It's pronounced shar-MAIN.
  • Liberty - This name is a bit obvious, but it's a popular pick for among "virtue" names like Charity, Patience, and Faith.
  • Carl - Though it used to be a nickname for Charles ("free man"), this name has been its own since the early 19th century. A feminine version is Carly. You might also consider Carlie, Carli, Carlee, or Carleigh for extra cuteness.
  • Corliss - Corliss means "carefree" and comes from the Old English word carleas, a compound of caru ("grief" or "care") and leas ("free from" or "without").
  • Malaya - Fresh out of the Philippines, this is a recently trendy name that means "free." Alternatives include Maya and Malala, though they have different meanings.
  • Darby - Darby means "free from envy," which is a good kind of freedom to have. It's a gender-neutral name from Ireland, so you can use it for sons and daughters alike.

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