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Baby Names That Mean Angel

Baby Names That Mean Angel

Baby Names That Mean Angel
© iStock.com/NikkiZalewski
Baby Names That Mean Angel

Baby Names That Mean Angel

Baby names that mean angel conjure images of light and hope, and there are lots of options to choose from. The below list of names that mean angel merely scratches the surface — be sure to check out "Boy Names That Mean Angel" and "Girl Names That Mean Angel" too! Take a look!

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  • Angel - Angel is a Greek origin name that never goes out of style. The name means "messenger of God." It is a great first or middle name for both boys and girls.
  • Rabia - Rabia is one of the ten angels that is responsible for accompanying the sun on its daily course. In Arabic, the name means spring, and is extremely popular. It some countries, it is a predominantly male name, but in other countries it is a unisex name.
  • Raziel - Raziel is a different kind of angel according to Judaism. Raziel is said to be the angel of mysteries. The name can be shortened to Raz, which makes it a spunky choice for boys or girls.
  • Halo - Halo is what angels wear above their head. Halo is a great name for boys or girls. A cute nickname for boys or girls would be Hal.
  • Cielo - Cielo is a Spanish origin name. The literal translation of this word means "sky" and "heaven," which makes it a great angel-inspired name.
  • Neria - Neria is a unisex name that means "angel." It has Israel origins.
  • Forfax - Forfax is the angel of astronomy. It's a truly unique name that would be fitting for a boy or girl.

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