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Yisroel is a deeply spiritual name for a baby boy. This Hebrew name is near and dear to the hearts of many because it is a variant of Israel. Believers know it as the name given to Jacob after he wrestled with God's angel. Keep reading if you're wrestling with the idea of giving your baby the name of Yisroel.

Meaning of the name Yisroel:

Hebrew: Wrestled with God.

Origin of the name Yisroel:

Hebrew. Yisroel is a name that refers to “wrestling with God.” However, what makes this name special is that it describes a person who has “prevailed” after wrestling with God. As a variant of Israel, Yisroel is known by believers as the name given to Jacob.

Symbolism of the name Yisroel:

Yisroel is a deeply spiritual name that symbolizes perseverance, closeness to God, and new starts.

Style of the name Yisroel:


Gender of the name Yisroel:

Yisroel has historically been a male name since biblical days.

Pronunciation of the name Yisroel:


Syllables in the name Yisroel:


Emotion evoked from the name Yisroel:

The name Yisroel is closely associated with both Judaism and Christianity. People recognize its spiritual significance immediately!

Alternative spellings for the name Yisroel:

Israel, Isserel, Yisrol.

Nicknames for the name Yisroel:

Srol, Sroli.

Popularity of the name Yisroel:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Yisroel is a rising name that has made the list of the top 1,000 baby names every year since debuting in 2015.

Related names for the name Yisroel:


Great middle names for Yisroel and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Yisroel:

  • Yisroel Bernath (media personality known as the “Love Rabbi”)
  • Yisroel Besser (best-selling author)

Yisroel in movies/pop culture:

Yisroel hasn't yet left its mark in popular culture.

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