

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Yaakov is a name that is perhaps less common than one might think, given how common all of its translations are. Given that the primary English translation of Yaakov is one of the most popular names in the US, it might surprise you to find out where Yaakov ranks on the list of the most popular boys' names. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Yaakov:

Hebrew: He who supplants

Origin of the name Yaakov:

Yaakov is a name of Hebrew origin that means “he who supplants”.

Symbolism of the name Yaakov:

Yaakov is a name that typically symbolizes the hope for great things for a child, as well as a connection to a family's faith and culture.

Style of the name Yaakov:


Gender of the name Yaakov:

Yaakov is almost exclusively used as a name for a baby boy.

Pronunciation of the name Yaakov:


Number of syllables in the name Yaakov:


Emotion evoked from the name Yaakov:

Yahkov typically evokes feelings of reverence and feelings that surround an individual's interactions with traditional cultures.

Alternative spellings for the name Yaakov:

  • Yakov
  • Yacov
  • Yaekov

Nicknames for the name Yaakov:

Popularity of the name Yaakov:

According to the Social Security Administration, Yaakov was last ranked as one of the most popular baby names in the US in 2015, at which time it was the 995th most popular name for baby boys. It ranked highest in 1986, when it was the 853rd most popular name.

Related names for the name Yaakov:

Great middle names for Yaakov and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Yaakov:

  • Yaakov Dori (Israeli politician)
  • Yaakov Shabti (Israeli novelist)

Yaakovs in popular culture:

  • Yaakov Klausman (character, A Strange Among Us)
  • Yaakov (character, The Scholomance)
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