Xaria is a modern English baby girl’s name that comes from the name Zaria. Xaria has three possible origins. In Arabic Xaria means “blooming flower, rose”. In Persian it means “gold”. In Russian it means “dawn” and is a diminutive of the name Alexandra. Xaria is not as popular as the alternate spelling.
Meaning of the Name Xaria
Xaria is a modern English baby girl’s name that is a variant spelling of Zaria. From Arabic Xaria means “blooming flower, rose”. From Persian it means “gold”. From Russian Xaria means “dawn” and is a diminutive of Alexandra.
Xaria is full of beautiful symbolism. Roses are symbols of love and beauty. Gold is the color of nobility and wealth. Dawn is symbolic of new beginnings, inspiration, and youth.

Nicknames for Xaria
Xaria evokes feelings of beauty and pride. For such a beautiful name, it's important to come up with a perfect nickname. Below, we've compiled a list of nicknames to help get you inspired. But feel free to come up with something unique to the Xaria in your life.
Xaria Name Details
Style: Modern
Gender: Xaria is traditionally considered a girls name.
Pronunciation: ZAHR-ee-ə
Syllables: Three
Alternative Spelling for Xaria
- Zaira
- Zarya
- Xarya
Xaria Name Popularity
According to the Social Security Administration, Xaria is a unique baby girl’s name that has never appeared on the top 1000 baby names list. Variant spelling Zaria has been on the top 1000 list since 1996.

Related Names for Xaria
Great Middle Names for Xaria and Their Meanings
- Luna (moon)
- Esme (beloved)
- Arabella (yielding to prayer)
- Andromeda (advising like a man)
- Persephone (dark blue, bringer of death)
- Clara (bright)
- Juliet (youthful)
- Lily (the flower)
Xaria in Popular Culture
- Xaria (Live Action Roleplay group out of New York and California)