

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Xaiden is one of many modern, invented names for parents looking to jump on the trend that comes with names starting with “X”. Alongside that, Xaiden is a variation name with its alternate spellings gaining more popularity. Keep reading to discover more fun facts about the name.

Meaning of the name Xaiden:

Xaiden has an unknown meaning since the origins are not clear.

Origin of the name Xaiden:

Xaiden does not have any real origin considering it is an invented name. The baby name is a variation of the likes of “Zayden” and “Zaiden”, both of which come from “Zaden”. There is a chance that Xaiden has Hebrew roots considering the name “Zaide” found in the Bible, but there is a stronger likelihood that it follows other trendy and modern invented names that add letters to the beginning of names like “Aiden” and “Aden”.

Symbolism of the name Xaiden:

Thanks to how young and modern the baby name Xaiden feels, it can symbolize a more lighthearted nature, one that is eager to explore the world and have fun while doing it.

Style of the name Xaiden:


Gender of the name Xaiden:

Xaiden is usually used only as a baby name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Xaiden:


Number of syllables in the name Xaiden:


Emotion evoked from the name Xaiden:

Xaiden has a youthful feel to it, making the baby name come across as fun and full of energy.

Alternative spellings for the name Xaiden:

Nicknames for the name Xaiden:

  • Zay
  • Zay Zay
  • X

Popularity of the name Xaiden:

Based on information from the Social Security Index, Xaiden has never made it in the top 1000 as a popular baby name starting from 1900 until now.

Related names for the name Xaiden:

Great middle names for Xaiden and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Xaiden:

Xaiden is not known to be a popular baby name among famous people.

Xaidens in movies/pop culture:

There are no known fictional characters or pop culture references otherwise with the baby name Xaiden.

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