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Vernie is an informal standalone option that was originally a nickname. It is a unisex name as it comes from both Vern and Veronica. Vernie is no longer a top 1,000 option but is on the top 12,000 list.

Meaning of the name Vernie:

Latin: truth
French: alder tree

Origin of the name Vernie:

Vernie began as either a nickname for Vern or Veronica. Vern itself was a diminutive for Vernon. Vernon, however, was a surname among the Norman people. Veronica is the Latin alternative to the baby name Berenice. It comes from the Latin phrase “vera icon.”

Symbolism of the name Vernie:

The baby name Vernie means “truth” in Latin and when used for girls. Veronica, the longer form of the name. comes from the Latin phrase, “vera icon.” “Vera icon” translates to “true image.” In French, Vernie means “alder tree,” however. It dates back to the name Vernon, which comes from the Gaulish word “Vern.” “Vern” translates to “alder.”

Style of the name Vernie:


Gender of the name Vernie:

Vernie is a unisex baby name that began as a nickname.

Pronunciation of the name Vernie:


Number of syllables in the name Vernie:


Emotion evoked from the name Vernie:

Vernie is an informal and youthful name. It is cute and simple.

Alternative spellings for the name Vernie:

  • Verni
  • Vernee
  • Vernei
  • Verneigh
  • Verney
  • Vernnee
  • Vernni
  • Vernnie

Nicknames for the name Vernie:

Popularity of the name Vernie:

Vernie was a top 1,000 baby name in America until 1938 at rank 991. It was only a top 500 option for four years in total, 1902, 1903, 1906, and 1907. Vernie ranked highest in 1907 at number 472.

Related names for the name Vernie:

Great middle names for Vernie and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Vernie:

  • Vernie Bennet (singer from the band Eternal)

Vernies in popular culture:

  • Vernie Yeung (character from “League of Gods”)
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