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Vernell is interesting in that it's spent time as a top 1,000 baby name for boys and girls in the United States. It fell out of favor for both during the 1950s, but for a while there, it was pretty beloved. Today, it has more of a “grandma name” or “grandpa name” feel, but even though it's old-fashioned, we could see it becoming trendy again. Vernell evokes images of spring and green plants flourishing, so it's also something of a nature name. Pair it with a current middle name to bring it into the 21st century.

Meaning of the name Vernell:

French: Green, flourishing

Origin of the name Vernell:

Vernell's exact origin is unknown, though it's thought to be derived from the French word for “green,” which is “vert” or “verte.” It's also related to the English word “vernal,” which means “related to spring.”

Symbolism of the name Vernell:

Vernell's various meanings give it a nature name feel. The name symbolizes spring and the renewal of plant life.

Style of the name Vernell:

Grandma name, Grandpa name, old-fashioned

Gender of the name Vernell:

Vernell is a unisex baby name, though it's more common for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Vernell:


Number of syllables in the name Vernell:


Emotion evoked from the name Vernell:

The baby name Vernell evokes images of someone who is kind and gentle. They are also laid-back and easygoing.

Alternative spellings for the name Vernell:

  • Vernel

Nicknames for the name Vernell:

Popularity of the name Vernell:

According to the Social Security Administration, Vernell was a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States between 1915 and 1957. It was most popular in 1935 when it ranked at number 479. It last ranked at number 974 in 1957. For boys, it was on the list on and off between 1935 and 1955. It was most popular in 1949 when it ranked at number 854. It last ranked at number 994 in 1955.

Related names for the name Vernell:

Great middle names for Vernell and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Vernell:

  • Vernell Varnado (actor, father of Snoop Dogg)
  • Vernell Coles (basketball player)

Vernell in popular culture:


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