

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Vannessa is simply an alternative spelling of the popular name Vanessa. It's the less common version of the name, but the extra “n” adds a bit of uniqueness. The name was super popular during the 1980s, and scientifically, it has a meaning that many people may find symbolic. Few people realize that it has its roots in a work of literature.

Meaning of the name Vannessa:

English: Species of butterfly

Origin of the name Vannessa:

Vannessa is an alternative spelling of Vanessa, which was a name created by writer Jonathan Swift in the poem named “Cadenus and Vanessa.”

Symbolism of the name Vannessa:

Because Vannessa is a name from a love poem, it may be a symbol of poetry, literature or love to some new parents. Others may see the name as a symbol of a butterfly since it is also known as the name of a species of butterflies.

Style of the name Vannessa:


Gender of the name Vannessa:

Vannessa is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Vannessa:


Number of syllables in the name Vannessa:


Emotion evoked from the name Vannessa:

The baby name Vannessa evokes images of someone who is fearless.

Alternative spellings for the name Vannessa:

Nicknames for the name Vannessa:

  • Van 
  • Vanny
  • Ness
  • Nessa
  • Nester
  • Nessie

Popularity of the name Vannessa:

This spelling of Vannessa has never made the list of the top 1,000 baby names, according to the Social Security Administration.

Related names for the name Vannessa:

Great middle names for Vannessa and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Vannessa:

Vannessas in popular culture:


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