

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Ulani is a bright and youthful baby name for girls that originated in Hawaii. It translates to “cheerful” in English. Ulani has since spread to the continental United States, where it is only a top 12,000 option.

Meaning of the name Ulani:

Hawaiian: cheerful

Origin of the name Ulani:

Ulani is a traditional name among the tribal Hawaiian people. It comes from the word for “cheerful.” In Hawaiian, parents celebrate the birth of their children with a name of significant meaning. They want to portray the emotions they felt, their ancestral heritage, or specific memories. Ulani gives an emotional response. It came to the rest of the United States in the twentieth century.

Symbolism of the name Ulani:

Ulani means “cheerful” in Hawaiian. It likely represents the joy new parents feel when they have a new baby girl.

Style of the name Ulani:


Gender of the name Ulani:

Ulani is an international-sounding name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Ulani:


Number of syllables in the name Ulani:


Emotion evoked from the name Ulani:

Ulani feels tropical and international. It is a youthful and bright baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Ulani:

  • Ullani
  • Ulanee
  • Ullanee
  • Ulaneigh
  • Ullaneigh
  • Ulanie
  • Ullanie

Nicknames for the name Ulani:

Popularity of the name Ulani:

Ulani has no history on the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2021, it is only a top 12,000 baby name. More specifically, it is number 11,925 for girls in the United States.

Related names for the name Ulani:

Great middle names for Ulani and their meanings:

  • Malia (bitter, of the sea)
  • Marama (light of the world)
  • Ora (pray, beautiful seacoast)
  • Keona (God's gracious gift)
  • Raina (she is singing, queen)
  • Ariana (most holy, very holy)
  • Tori (bird, winner, conqueror)
  • Lanae (precious)

Famous people with the name Ulani:

There are no famous people with the baby name Ulani.

Ulanis in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the baby name Ulani.

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