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Tyrique is certainly a name that projects masculinity. Though not terribly common, it is still very easy to recognize. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Tyrique:

Tyrique is a name of American origin based off of the name Tyriq, which translates from Arabic as “he who knocks”. Another possible origin for the name is a combination of the names “Tyrone” and “Dominique”. This would make Tyrique an American invented name.

Symbolism of the Name Tyrique:

Tyrique is a name that typically signifies power and strength, usually one that symbolizes the hope of a family for a healthy and vibrant child.

Nicknames for the Name Tyrique:

There are plenty of cool nicknames that are derived from Tyrique. We've compiled them all here for your perusal; take a close look at each option and pick your favorite.

  • Ty
  • Reek
  • Ricky 
  • Rick 
  • Ty-Ty
  • Ty-Rex
  • Ricker
  • Rickers
  • Tee
  • Tyr
  • Que
  • Ty-Dog
  • T-Dog

Style of the Name Tyrique:


Gender of the Name Tyrique:

Tyrique is almost exclusively used as a name for male children.

Pronunciation of the Name Tyrique:


Number of Syllables in the Name Tyrique:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Tyrique:

Tyrique typically evokes a respectful reaction, with most emotions being related to being impressed or awed.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Tyrique:

Popularity of the Name Tyrique:

According to the Social Security Administration, Tyrique last ranked as one of the one thousand most popular baby names in the United States in 2000, when it was the 956th most popular name. Tyrique was most popular in 1998 when it was the 757th most popular baby name.

Great Middle Names for Tyrique and Their Meanings:

  • Malcolm (devoted to St. Columbia)
  • Jamal (beauty)
  • Clarence (bright)
  • Lee (meadow)
  • Khalil (friend)
  • Ahsan (the best)
  • Faisal (judge)
  • Hasan (beautiful)

Famous People with the Name Tyrique:

  • Tyrique Jarrett (American football player)
  • Tyrique Jones (American basketball player)
  • Tyrique(character played by Dale Godboldo in the TV show Kristin)
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