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Baby Names




Tyler is a baby name of Old English origin that literally means “tile maker”. Traditionally, it has been a boy’s name. There was a brief window of time when it was also commonly given to girls although it never became as popular as Taylor with girls.

Meaning of the name Tyler:

Old English: mason, tile layer, door keeper of an inn, owner of a tavern

Origin of the name Tyler:

Tyler is an Old English baby name that is derived from the Old French word “tieulier” meaning “tile maker”.

Symbolism of the name Tyler:

Tiles were often used to make roofs or floors. The tilemaker was a craftsman with a well respected position in society.

Style of the name Tyler:


Gender of the name Tyler:

Tyler can be used for both boys and girls, but it's predominantly a boy’s name.

Pronunciation of the name Tyler:


Number of syllables in the name Tyler:


Emotion evoked from the name Tyler:

Tyler evokes feelings of hard work and congeniality.

Alternative spellings for the name Tyler:

Tylere, Tylor, Tylar

Nicknames for the name Tyler:

  • Ty
  • Tay

Popularity of the name Tyler:

According to the Social Security Administration, Tyler is a boy’s baby name that has been common since 1900 but reached peak popularity in the 90’s when it was in the top ten boy’s names from ‘92 to ‘98. As a girl’s name it had a brief popularity in the ‘80s and ‘90s but peaked at #238 in 1993.

Related names for the name Tyler:

Great middle names for the name Tyler and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Tyler:

  • Tyler Perry (American actor)
  • Tyler the Creator (American rapper)
  • Tyler Lee Hoechlin (American actor)
  • Tyler Joseph (American musician, Twenty-one Pilots)
  • Tyler Clutts (American football player)

Tylers in popular culture:

  • Tyler Durden (film, “Fight Club”)
  • Tyler Lockwood (television, “The Vampire Diaries”)
  • Tyler Waldorf (literature, Gossip Girl series)
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