

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Timothy has consistently been one of the top names for baby boys in the United States for well over a century. It's also a Biblical name that has been meaningful to Christians since the Reformation. Timothy is a classic that pairs well with an assortment of middle names.

Meaning of the name Timothy:

Greek: God's honor

Origin of the name Timothy:

Timothy is the English version of the Latin name Timotheus, which is a derivative of the Greek name Timotheos. It means “God's honor” or “honor God,” and is a name from the New Testament of the Bible.

Symbolism of the name Timothy:

Timothy is the name of a Christian saint, a Christian martyr, several bishops and two popes. Combine with its meaning — God's honor — it may be symbolic to new parents of the Christian faith.

Baby name Timothy

Style of the name Timothy:


Gender of the name Timothy:

Timothy is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Timothy:


Number of syllables in the name Timothy:


Emotion evoked from the name Timothy:

The baby name Timothy may evoke images of someone who is peaceful and thoughtful.

Alternative spellings for the name Timothy:

  • Timothee

Nicknames for the name Timothy:

  • Tim 
  • Timmy
  • Timbo

Popularity of the name Timothy:

Timothy has been a top 1,000 baby name for boys in the United States since at least 1900, according to the Social Security Administration. From 1943 to 2007, it was even a top 100 baby name. As of 2020, it ranks at number 193.

Related names for the name Timothy:

Great middle names for Timothy and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Timothy:

Timothys in popular culture:

  • Timothy Lovejoy (character on the TV show “The Simpsons”)
  • Timothy McGee (character from the TV series “NCIS”
  • Timothy Q. Mouse (character from the movie “Dumbo”)
  • Timothy Twostroke (character from the movie “Cars”)
  • Timothy Drake (character from the DC Comics franchise)
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