

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Tiffiny is an alternative spelling of the more common Tiffany. The name has Greek origins and offers religious symbolism, particularly to Christians. While Tiffiny itself was never a top 1,000 baby name in the United States, the more common spelling was quite popular throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Many believe it was inspired by a classic movie and several other pop culture icons. Tiffiny sounds great with both classic and more unique middle names.

Meaning of the name Tiffiny:

Greek: God appears

Origin of the name Tiffiny:

Tiffany is a derivative of the Greek name Theophania, which comes from the word “epiphany.” Epiphany is the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as described in the book of Matthew. It's also a Christian feast day.

Symbolism of the name Tiffiny:

Because of its meaning, Tiffiny could be especially symbolic to parents of the Christian faith. It could also offer pop culture symbolism, whether you're a fan of the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany's” or a fan of celebrities with the name. It could even be an homage to 1980s pop culture or the famous jewelry company.

Style of the name Tiffiny:


Gender of the name Tiffiny:

Tiffiny is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Tiffiny:


Number of syllables in the name Tiffiny:


Emotion evoked from the name Tiffiny:

The baby name Tiffiny evokes images of someone who is outgoing and confident.

Alternative spellings for the name Tiffiny:

Nicknames for the name Tiffiny:

  • Tiff
  • Tiffy
  • Tiffie

Popularity of the name Tiffiny:

According to the Social Security Administration, Tiffiny has never been a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States.

Related names for the name Tiffiny:

Great middle names for Tiffiny and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Tiffiny:

  • Tiffiny Hall (reality TV star and author)

Tiffinys in popular culture:


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