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Baby Names




Taylar is simply an alternative version of the baby name Taylor. While Taylor is typically a name suitable for both boys and girls, this spelling is more common for girls. It's a great way to take a name that's a bit overused and give it some new life. Taylar pairs well with a variety of middle names, ranging from the classics to some of the most trendy and current names in the United States.

Meaning of the name Taylar:

English: Tailor, to cut

Origin of the name Taylar:

Taylar is an English occupational name that's derived from the Latin word “taliare,” which means to cut or split. It most likely became a surname for people who cut clothes during the Middle Ages, and the modern word, “tailor,” was born. Taylar is an alternative spelling of the word.

Symbolism of the name Taylar:

The baby name Taylar could symbolize a passion for fashion or clothing. Because there are many celebrities with the name, though most of them use the “Taylor” spelling, new parents may find some symbolism there.

Style of the name Taylar:


Gender of the name Taylar:

Taylar is a unisex baby name for boys and girls, though this spelling may be more common for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Taylar:


Number of syllables in the name Taylar:


Emotion evoked from the name Taylar:

The baby name Taylar evokes images of someone who is creative and expressive.

Alternative spellings for the name Taylar:

Nicknames for the name Taylar:

  • Tay
  • Taye

Popularity of the name Taylar:

According to the Social Security Administration, Taylar has never been a top 1,000 baby name for girls or boys in the United States.

Related names for the name Taylar:

Great middle names for Taylar and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Taylar:

Taylars in popular culture:


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