

Baby Boy Names


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Sahil is a name of Hindi origin that is given to boys as a way to set them on a path of leadership in life. While the name is most commonly used in India, people around the world adore it as a baby name. Several well-known Indian actors and cricketers are named Sahil. Keep reading to get lost in the sea of Sahil facts!

Meaning and Origin of the Name Sahil:

Sahil's origin is Hindi. Sahil's deepest origins come from Sanskrit. While the name refers to a physical shore or coastline, it has come to mean a person who guides in a way that the sea guides. The name can also mean “one who is like the bank of the sea”. The name experienced a sharp increase in popularity in the 1980s and 1990s before stabilizing.

Symbolism of the Name Sahil:

Sahil is a powerful name that implies fitness for leadership. Many Indian parents use this name to inspire their sons to do great things! Since this name has meanings that connect to the sea, the ocean can be seen as a symbol for this name.

Nicknames for the Name Sahil:

Sahil has some very unique nicknames associated with it! Some of these will be very recognizable, like Sam and Sid, while others are more uncommon. You'll surely find a great nickname for Sahil on this list!

  • Sahl
  • Sal
  • Sam 
  • Sid
  • Hill
  • Sail
  • Saw
  • Sammy
  • Ill
  • Ahi
  • Sunny
  • Hilly
  • Hills
  • San
  • Sans

Style of the Name Sahil:


Gender of the Name Sahil:

Sahil is exclusively given to boys in Indian and Arabic cultures.

Pronunciation of the Name Sahil:


Syllables in the Name Sahil:


Emotion Evoked from the Name Sahil:

This is a true power name. People from places where this name is prominent will instantly recognize its connection to leadership. Of course, many parents also love this name due to its connection to the sea. They envision their child growing up to be a great explorer of the world.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Sahil:

Sahill, Sahyl, Sahyll, Zahil

Popularity of the Name Sahil:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Sahil has never made the list of top 1,000 baby names at any point from 1900 to today. The name is much more popular globally than it is in the United States.

Aribam, Shahil

Great Middle Names for Sahil and Their Meanings:

  • Alec (protector of men)
  • Gareth (gentle)
  • Krish (dark, mysterious, attractive)
  • Matthew (gift of God)
  • Onkar (God)
  • Parth (star, ruler)
  • Timothy (honor)
  • Yash (success)

Famous People with the Name Sahil:

Sahils in Movies and Pop Culture:

  • “Sahil” (classic movie from 1959)
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