If you're looking for a beautiful name for your little goddess, consider Rhea. It wasn't very popular in the United States after 1968, but it's been making a comeback in recent years and is currently more beloved than ever. We expect that trend to continue. The name, which comes from a beloved Greek Titaness, is packed with symbolism and pairs well with both classic and unique middle names.
Meaning and Origin of the Name Rhea:
Rhea is a name from Greek mythology. Rhea was a Titaness who was sometimes known as the mother of the Gods. The name means “flowing” in Greek.
Symbolism of the Name Rhea:
In Greek mythology, Rhea was known as the goddess of motherhood and fertility, so new parents may see the name as a maternal symbol.
Nicknames for the name Rhea:
Rhea is a tough one to find a good nickname for! Sometimes, the best nicknames come with time, as you get to know your child. If you need ideas, we have a brief list of good nicknames here:
- Ree
- Rae
- Ea
- Ree-Ree

Style of the Name Rhea:
Gender of the Name Rhea:
Rhea is a girl's name.
Pronunciation of the Name Rhea:
Number of Syllables in the Name Rhea:
Emotion Evoked From the Name Rhea:
Regal, proud, nurturing.
Alternative Spellings for the Name Rhea:
- Rea
Popularity of the Name Rhea:
According to the Social Security Administration, Rhea was a top 1,000 baby name for girls from 1900 to 1968. It fell off the chart for a few decades and made a comeback in 2004. As of 2022, it ranked at number 597.
Related Names for the Name Rhea:
Great Middle Names for Rhea and Their Meanings:
- Grace (God's grace)
- Harper (harp player)
- Fern (plant name)
- Margaret (pearl)
- Violet (purple flower)
- Amelia (work)
- Luna (moon)
- Juliet (youthful)
- Daphne (laurel tree)
Famous People with the Name Rhea:
- Rhea Bailey (actress)
- Rhea Carmi (artist)
- Rhea Chakraborty (actress)
- Rhea Durham (model)
- Rhea Haines (actress)
Rheas in Popular Culture:
- Rhea Jones (character in the DC Comics universe)
- Rhea (character from the TV show “Supergirl”)
- Rhea of the Cöos (character from the “Dark Towers” book series)
- Rhea (character from the game “Fire Emblem: Three Houses”)
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