Quintessa is a baby name with several potential origins, each one with its own unique meaning. While it's never been a top 1,000 baby name, it has the potential to become one in the near future, and it comes with a variety of cute nicknames. Pair it with a pretty nature name like Willow, Jasmine or Rose.
Meaning of the name Quintessa:
Latin: Fifth
American: Essence
Origin of the name Quintessa:
The exact origins of the baby name Quintessa are unknown. One likely explanation is that it's a combination of Quinn and Tessa. It's also possible that it's derived from the Latin word “quint,” which means “fifth.” Some people insist it's simply a play on the word “quintessence.”
Symbolism of the name Quintessa:
Because Quintessa may mean “fifth,” it's a fitting name for a fifth child or fifth daughter born to a family. It may also honor relatives with the names Quinn or Tessa.
Style of the name Quintessa:
Gender of the name Quintessa:
Quintessa is a girl's name.
Pronunciation of the name Quintessa:
Number of syllables in the name Quintessa:
Emotion evoked from the name Quintessa:
The baby name Quintessa evokes images of someone who works hard to achieve their goals.
Alternative spellings for the name Quintessa:
- Quinntessa
- Quintezza
- Quinntezza
Nicknames for the name Quintessa:
Popularity of the name Quintessa:
According to the Social Security Administration, Quintessa has never been a top 1,000 baby name in the United States
Related names for the name Quintessa:
Great middle names for Quintessa and their meanings:
- Rose (flower)
- Clementine (gentle, merciful)
- Jasmine (God's gift)
- Ayden (fire)
- Imani (faith)
- Trinity (triad)
- Willow (willow tree)
- Nicole (people of victory)
- Rochelle (little rock)
- Aaliyah (high, exhalted)
Famous people with the name Quintessa:
- Quintessa Swindell (actor)
Quintessas in popular culture: