
Quill is a multifaceted baby name for boys or girls. It originated as a nickname for Aquilla or Quillian, drawing inspiration from the English word “quill.” As of 2022, Quill is a top 2,200 baby name.

Meaning of the name Quill:

Latin: eagle
English: pen made from a feather

Origin of the name Quill:

Quill began as a nickname for Aquilla. Parents drew inspiration from the word “quill.” It comes from the Middle English term “quil.” Aquilla, a spelling variation of Aquila, was initially a cognomen in Latin cultures and Rome. It became popular in the Christian church because of a character in Acts in the New Testament. The apostle Paul lived with Aquila and Priscilla on his journeys.

Symbolism of the name Quill:

The baby name Quilla is likely a nickname for Aquilla. Aquilla was a Roman cognomen that translated to “eagle.” Parents got inspiration for this nickname from the English word “quill.” A “quill” is a “pen made from a feather.”

Style of the name Quill:

Traditional or classical

Gender of the name Quill:

Quill is a unisex baby name option.

Pronunciation of the name Quill:


Number of syllables in the name Quill:


Emotion evoked from the name Quill:

Quill feels youthful and wholesome. It is a natural and approachable baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Quill:

  • Quil
  • Kwill
  • Kwil
  • Quyl
  • Quyll
  • Kwyll
  • Kwyl

Nicknames for the name Quill:

  • Quillie
  • Quilly
  • Q

Popularity of the name Quill:

Quill has no history on the top 1,000 list of the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2022, it is a top 2,200 option. More specifically, Quill is number 2,143 for boys or girls.

Related names for the name Quill:

Great middle names for Quill and their meanings:

  • Emery (industrious, powerful, loving)
  • Orik (from the ancient oak tree)
  • Oaks (lived near a notable oak tree)
  • Robin (famed, bright, shining)
  • Wesley (west meadow)
  • Laney (bright light)
  • Avery (ruler of elves, wise)
  • Jaylin (supplanter, calm)

Famous people with the name Quill:

There are no famous people with the name Quill.

Quills in popular culture:

  • Quill (character from X-Men Comics)
  • Quill (character from Marvel comics)
  • Quill (guide dog in the movie “Quill”)
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