

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Oma is an overtly gorgeous name for a little girl. This name isn't just fun to say. Oma is actually a strong name that signifies leadership. Keep reading to learn more about the name Oma.

Meaning of the name Oma:

  • Sanskrit: Giver of life, commander, leader

Origin of the name Oma:

Arabic. Oma is an Arabic name that is thought to be a feminine variation of the name Omar.

Symbolism of the name Oma:

Oma refers to a person in a leadership position. It also speaks to the life-giving power of women.

Style of the name Oma:


Gender of the name Oma:

Oma is considered a traditional Arabic female name.

Pronunciation of the name Oma:


Syllables in the name Oma:


Emotion evoked from the name Oma:

The name Oma is a short and sweet name that is so fun and lively to say! It's a name that sounds very spirited.

Alternative spellings for the name Oma:

Amma, Omma.

Nicknames for the name Oma:


Popularity of the name Oma:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Oma consistently ranked on the list of the top 1,000 baby names every year from 1900 to 1945. Oma had its most popular year ever in 1901 when it reached #276.

Related names for the name Oma:

Omar, Omarosa.

Great middle names for Oma and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Oma:

  • Oma Ichimura (voice actress)
  • Oma Nnadi (actress)

Omas in movies/pop culture:

  • Oma Desala (character in the television show “Stargate”)
  • Oma The Label (high-end fashion brand)
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