

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Niesha is an urban alternative to the more formal Iesha and Aisha. It is also more obscure than the original, Nyesha. As of 2021, Niesha is a top 25,000 option for girls. It ranks at number 24,302.

Meaning of the name Niesha:

Arabic: living, alive
American: invented name

Origin of the name Niesha:

Niesha is an upbeat and unique baby name that is a spelling variation of Nyesha. Nyesha got inspiration from Iesha since it rhymes with it. Iesha comes from Aisha, popularized in America by the song “Iesha” in the 1990s. Aisha dates back to Arabic cultures and was the name of the third wife of Muhammad. The title translated to “living” or “alive.”

Symbolism of the name Niesha:

Technically, Niesha is an “invented name” in America. It only draws inspiration from Iesha and Aisha since it rhymes with them. If you want to truly consider the origins of the name, you must think about the definition of Aisha. Aisha translates to “living” or “alive” in Arabic.

Style of the name Niesha:


Gender of the name Niesha:

Niesha is an urban name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Niesha:

NEE-sha or NIE-ee-sha

Number of syllables in the name Niesha:

Two or three

Emotion evoked from the name Niesha:

Niesha feels urban and trendy. It is an extroverted and exciting baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Niesha:

  • Nyesha
  • Neyesha
  • Niaesha

Nicknames for the name Niesha:

Popularity of the name Niesha:

Niesha has no history on the top 1,000 list of the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2021, it is a top 25,000 option for girls. More specifically, Aisha is number 24,302 on the Social Security Popularity Index.

Related names for the name Niesha:

Great middle names for Niesha and their meanings:

  • Jordan (to flow down, to descend)
  • Brooke (water, small stream)
  • Jasmine (jasmine, fragrant flower)
  • Rose (rose, a flower)
  • Quinn (descendant of Conn)
  • Rochelle (little rock, rest)
  • Marie (star of the sea)
  • Noelle (Christmas Day, the Lord's birthday)

Famous people with the name Niesha:

There are no famous people with the name Niesha.

Nieshas in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters named Niesha.

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