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Neida is an uncommon baby name used for girls. There is a chance that the baby name Neida comes from multiple origins. Keep reading to learn more about the name.

Meaning of the name Neida:

There is no known meaning for the baby name Neida.

Origin of the name Neida:

Neida is such a rare and uncommon name that tracking down its roots remains a challenge. However, there is belief that the baby name Neida does come from Estonian roots. If parents wish, they can also look at the name as a variation of “Neda”, a name that comes with Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and Persian origins.

Symbolism of the name Neida:

It is not easy to find symbolism within the name Neida as there is no real known meaning to the name.

Style of the name Neida:


Gender of the name Neida:

Neida is generally seen as a name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Neida:


Number of syllables in the name Neida:


Emotion evoked from the name Neida:

Neida is a simple and gentle name that can evoke feelings of someone who is calm and caring.

Alternative spellings for the name Neida:

  • Needa
  • Neda

Nicknames for the name Neida:

There are no popular nicknames for the baby name Neida.

Popularity of the name Neida:

Based on information from the Social Security Administration, the baby name Neida has yet to rank on the top 1000 list of popular baby names.

Related names for the name Neida:

Great middle names for Neida and their meanings:

  • Sula (little female bear)
  • Tilda (battle-mighty)
  • Hedy (war)
  • Lene (modern, invented name)
  • Dagna (Day maiden)
  • Shaida (pelican)
  • Samar (evening conversation)
  • Terea (to harvest)

Famous people with the name Neida:

There are no known famous people that bear the given baby name Neida.

Neidas in movies/pop culture:

Neida is not commonly found in use in pop culture.

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