

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Nayely is one of those names that immediately stands out in a crowd. Though not entirely unique, the name is rarely used in English-speaking cultures and even then can be spelled several different ways. Keep reading to learn more about this unique name.

Meaning of the name Nayely:

Zapotec: I love you

Origin of the name Nayely:

Nayely is a name of Zapotec origin that literally translates as “to express love to someone”, but that is more commonly translated as “I love you”.

Symbolism of the name Nayely:

Nayely is a name that typically symbolizes love and affection, with the love here expressing that of a parent to his or her child.

Style of the name Nayely:

Classic and unique

Gender of the name Nayely:

Nayely is almost exclusively used as a female name.

Pronunciation of the name Nayely:


Syllables in the name Nayely:


Emotion evoked from the name Nayely:

Nayely evokes emotions of love, kindness, and general happiness.

Alternative spellings for the name Nayely:

  • Nayeli
  • Nayali
  • Nayalee

Nicknames for the name Nayely:

Popularity of the name Nayely:

According to the Social Security Administration, Nayely peaked in popularity in 2001 as the 731st most popular name for a girl in the United States.

Related names for the name Nayely:

Great middle names for Nayely and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Nayely:

  • Nayely Arvayo (director)
  • Nayeli Maya (actor)

Nayelys in movies/pop culture:

Nayely is a very unique name that isn't currently connected to any pop culture characters.

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