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Nakia is a name that feels both strong and feminine at the same time. It is also a name that feels like it has a strong cultural connection for many. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Nakia:

Egyptian: Pure and faithful

Origin of the name Nakia:

Nakia is a name of Egyptian origin that means “pure and faithful”.

Symbolism of the name Nakia:

Nakia is a name that's usually chosen to highlight a child's femininity as well as her loyalty.

Style of the name Nakia:


Gender of the name Nakia:

Nakia is technically a unisex name but is typically chosen for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Nakia:


Number of syllables in the name Nakia:


Emotion evoked from the name Nakia:

Nakia tends to evoke proud and dignified emotions.

Alternative spellings for the name Nakia:

  • Nakea
  • Nahkia
  • Nahkya

Nicknames for the name Nakia:

Popularity of the name Nakia:

According to the Social Security Administration, Nakia last ranked on the list of the most popular baby names in the United States in 1993 as the 941st most popular name for baby girls. It peaked in popularity in 1974 as the 226th most popular girls' name. Nakia last ranked as a popular boys' name in 1976 as the 974th most popular name.

Related names for the name Nakia:

Great middle names for Nakia and their meanings:

  • Alexandra (defender of men)
  • Arianna (holy)
  • Calynn (powerful in battle)
  • Eleanor (bright and shining one)
  • Faye (fairy)
  • Kalila (heap of love)
  • Sophia (wisdom)
  • Zahra (flower)

Famous people with the name Nakia:

  • Nakia Reynoso (American singer songwriter)
  • Nakia Burrise (American actress)
  • Nakia Cockatoo (Australian athlete)

Nakias in popular culture:

  • Nakia (character from Black Panther)
  • Deputy Nakia Parker (character from the TV series Nakia)
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