

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Margret is a sweet-sounding baby name for girls. Margret is also a variation of a more common name used throughout the world. Keep reading to discover more information about the name.

Meaning of the name Margret:

Greek for “pearl”.

Origin of the name Margret:

Margret is the Icelandic and Scandinavian version of the name “Margaret”. Since Margret is a variation, the name has Greek roots since “Margaret” comes from the Greek word “margarites”. Even that word takes from an Indo-Iranian language.

Symbolism of the name Margret:

To go off the meaning, Margret can symbolize virtue and elegance thanks to the name’s connection to pearls. There is also a magical feeling toward the name, one that makes Margret feel more romantic and dreamy.

Style of the name Margret:


Gender of the name Margret:

The baby name Margret is mainly used for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Margret:

MAR-gret or mar-GREHT

Number of syllables in the name Margret:


Emotion evoked from the name Margret:

There is a nice wholesome feel to the baby name Margret. This is a name that comes across as simply happy and gentle.

Alternative spellings for the name Margret:

Nicknames for the name Margret:

Popularity of the name Margret:

According to the Social Security Index, Margret hasn’t reached within the top 1000 since the 1950s. However, when Margret did rank, it reached as high as #472 in 1921.

Related names for the name Margret:

  • Garnet 
  • Marabel
  • Maire
  • Harriet
  • Mareen
  • Maribeth
  • Marlee 
  • Mariel
  • Marise

Great middle names for Margret and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Margret:

  • Margret Grebowicz (Polish professor, author, philosopher)
  • Margret Holmes Bates (American author)

Margrets in movies/pop culture:

  • 1410 Margret (asteroid)
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