

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names



Baby Boy Names M


Marcel is a classic baby name for boys that traces all the way back to Ancient Roman days. Even with how long it has been in use, Marcel remains a popular name to this day. Read on to learn more about the name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Marcel:

Marcel has French and Latin roots. For one thing, Marcel is a variant of the name “Marcellus”, a French name that comes from the Roman name “Marcus”. All paths trace back to the Roman god Mars. Mars was the god of war. As such, Marcel can be interpreted to mean “little warrior” or “warlike”. Some claim that Marcel is the French version of Mark, a Biblical name.

Symbolism of the Name Marcel:

A name that eludes strength, Marcel holds a firm symbolism of power, dignity, and wealth. The symbols of the Roman god Mars include the spear and shield, the woodpecker, and the wolf.

Nicknames for the Name Marcel:

Marcel, as a variation of Marcus, shares some nicknames with its origin. Others are unique to Marcel. Check out the full list:

Style of the Name Marcel:


Gender of the Name Marcel:

Marcel is mainly used for baby boys.

Pronunciation of the Name Marcel:


Number of Syllables in the Name Marcel:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Marcel:

With a baby name like Marcel, you get the feeling of something powerful, bold, and of incredible magnitude.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Marcel:

  • Marcell

Popularity of the Name Marcel:

According to the Social Security Index, Marcel has remained within the top 1,000 for decades. The name retained its highest rank in 1925, making it halfway up the chart to #500. In 2022, the name ranked at 660.

Great Middle Names for Marcel and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Marcel:

  • Marcel (American country music singer, songwriter)
  • Marcel Dadi (French guitarist, songwriter)
  • Marcel Vaid (Swiss film composer)
  • Marcel Marceau (French mime artist, actor)
  • Marcel Khalife (Lebanese-French singer, composer, and oud player)
  • Marcel Neels (Belgian cartoonist known as “Marc Sleen”)
  • Marcel L’Herbier (French filmmaker)
  • Marcel Iureş (Romanian actor)
  • Marcel Gotlib (French comics artist)
  • MarcelHall (American rapper that used the stage name “Biz Markie”)

Marcels in Pop Culture:

  • Marcel(a character in the magna and anime Attack on Titan)
  • Marcel Gerard (the character in the TV show The Originals)
  • Marcel (the character in the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
  • Marcelmonkey of the character Ross Geller in the TV show Friends)
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