

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Maddex is a lucky name with old Welch roots that translates to mean “son of Madoc.” While this spelling of the name is extremely modern, the truth is that Maddex has signified fortune for generations. Keep reading to learn why parents are mad for the name Maddex.

Meaning of the name Maddex:

Welsh: Fortunate, son of the benefactor

Origin of the name Maddex:

Welch. Maddex is an old Welch name that signifies favor, fortune, and generosity.

Symbolism of the name Maddex:

Maddex is a name that's associated with abundance and good favor.

Style of the name Maddex:

Classic with a modern spelling.

Gender of the name Maddex:

Maddex is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Maddex:


Syllables in the name Maddex:


Emotion evoked from the name Maddex:

Maddex comes across as fresh, powerful, and innovative. It also has a hint of boyish charm.

Alternative spellings for the name Maddex:

Maddox, Maddux

Nicknames for the name Maddex:

Mads, Maddy, Max.

Popularity of the name Maddex:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Maddex spelled with this variation has never made the list of the top 1,000 baby names.

Related names for the name Maddex:

Madison, Madson.

Great middle names for Maddex and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Maddex:

The newness of this spelling means that people named Maddex haven't yet made their mark.

Maddex in movies/pop culture:

Maddex hasn't yet been featured in popular culture.

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