

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lyra is a modern name that comes from a constellation. It has a meaning of “lyre” as the stars are shaped like a magical harp. The name only entered the top 1,000 most popular in 2015, and it is already a top 600 option.

Meaning of the name Lyra:

Greek: lyre

Origin of the name Lyra:

Lyra only just began as a baby name, but it has long been the name for a constellation. It is said to be the stars that form the shape of the lyre that belonged to Orpheus, a character in Greek mythology. The name only became a top 1,000 option in America in 2015.

Symbolism of the name Lyra:

Lyra means “lyre” as it represents the same constellation meant to be Orpheus' lyre. It is a great name choice if you are a family that loves music.

Style of the name Lyra:


Gender of the name Lyra:

Lyra is a girl's name based on a constellation.

Pronunciation of the name Lyra:


Number of syllables in the name Lyra:


Emotion evoked from the name Lyra:

Lyra feels unique, trendy, and modern. It still has a delicate beauty about it though that gives it feminity.

Alternative spellings for the name Lyra:

  • Lira
  • Lera
  • Liera

Nicknames for the name Lyra:

  • Ly
  • LyLy
  • Lyr
  • Ra
  • Rae 

Popularity of the name Lyra:

Lyra became a top 1,000 name option in America in the year 2015 at rank 977. The name became a top 600 option in 2020. The specific rank it has is 552 for girls.

Related names for the name Lyra:

Great middle names for Lyra and their meanings:

  • Alice (noble)
  • Eve (life giver)
  • Juniper (young, evergreen)
  • Nova (new)
  • Daphne (laurel)
  • Cosette (victorious)
  • Harmony (perfect unity)
  • Shae (hawk)

Famous people with the name Lyra:

  • Lyra Sheen (daughter of Michael Sheen)
  • Lyra Sheeran (daughter of Ed Sheeran)
  • Lyra Taylor (famous social worker in New Zealand)

Lyras in popular culture:

  • Lyra Belacqua (character from “His Dark Materials” trilogy)
  • Lyra (character from “Fullmetal Alchemist”)
  • Lyra the Sunshard (character from “Hearthstone” video game)
  • Lyra (character from “Pokemon” video games)
  • Lyra Erso (character from “Rogue One”)
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