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Lyndsay is a unisex baby name that originates as a location-based surname in England and Scotland. This variation is actually a more modern version of the original, Lindsay. Lyndsay has not been a top 1,000 baby name since 1994, however, while Lindsay lasted until 2015.

Meaning of the name Lyndsay:

English: island of linden trees, marshlands of Lincolnshire

Origin of the name Lyndsay:

Lyndsay is a variation of the original spelling, Lindsay. The latter began as a surname in England and Scotland for families from the region of Lindsey. The name was primarily for boys until the mid-twentieth century, switching to greater popularity for girls in the late-twentieth century.

Symbolism of the name Lyndsay:

The baby name Lyndsay means “island of linden trees” or “marshlands of Lincolnshire” because of the original surname. The name Lindsay was for individuals from Lindsey, which translated to “Lincoln Island,” relating to both of these definitions.

Style of the name Lyndsay:


Gender of the name Lyndsay:

Lyndsay is a unisex name that is slightly more popular for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Lyndsay:


Number of syllables in the name Lyndsay:


Emotion evoked from the name Lyndsay:

Lyndsay has a free and wholesome feel to it. It is a youthful and common name.

Alternative spellings for the name Lyndsay:

  • Lindsay
  • Lindsey 
  • Lyndsey
  • Lyndsy
  • Lindsy
  • Lynzee
  • Linzee
  • Linzi
  • Lynzi

Nicknames for the name Lyndsay:

  • Lynds
  • Lyn 
  • Lyndie
  • Lyndy
  • Lyndi
  • Lynnie
  • Lynni

Popularity of the name Lyndsay:

Lyndsay found its way to the top 1,000 list in the late twentieth century. In 1979, it ranked number 916, remaining until 1994 at rank 927. Lyndsay was a top 500 name for one year in 1983 at rank 495.

Related names for the name Lyndsay:

Great middle names for Lyndsay and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Lyndsay:

Lyndsays in popular culture:

There are no pop culture references to the name Lyndsay.

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