

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lucianna is an alternative spelling of the baby name Luciana. While Lucianna is not a top 1,000 baby name, Luciana has been making its way up the list for girls since 2006, so Lucianna may not be far behind. This beautiful feminine name comes with a variety of nicknames, and we love the way it sounds with one-syllable middle names like Grace, Belle and Pearl. It also has a slightly exotic feel.

Meaning of the name Lucianna:

Latin: Light

Origin of the name Lucianna:

Lucianna is a feminine form of the Ancient Roman masculine name Lucius, which means “light.” Lucius is one of the oldest given names on record. Lucianna is more common in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish cultures.

Symbolism of the name Lucianna:

Because Lucianna means “light,” new parents may see the baby name as a symbol that their child is the light of their lives or will light up the world.

Style of the name Lucianna:


Gender of the name Lucianna:

Lucianna is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Lucianna:


Number of syllables in the name Lucianna:


Emotion evoked from the name Lucianna:

The baby name Lucianna evokes images of someone who is graceful, intuitive and logical.

Alternative spellings for the name Lucianna:

  • Luciana 
  • Lucyanna
  • Lucyana
  • Luceana
  • Luceanna

Nicknames for the name Lucianna:

Popularity of the name Lucianna:

According to the Social Security Administration, Lucianna has never been a top 1,000 baby name in the United States.

Related names for the name Lucianna:

Great middle names for Lucianna and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Lucianna:


Luciannas in popular culture:


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