

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lizet comes from the name Elizabeth. In the 16th century, it was quite popular. The name is used in Denmark, France, and Sweden the most.

Meaning of the name Lizet

God’s Promise, God Is My Oath

Origin of the name Lizet


Symbolism of the name Lizet

Lizet loves to work and likes to be orderly. She is pragmatic and always loyal. Lizet is adamant about sticking to time-tested values. She is always dependable, energetic, and determined to get things done in the best way she knows how. Lizet can also be hypersensitive and a little cautious.

Style of the name Lizet

New age

Gender of the name Lizet

Lizet is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Lizet


Number of syllables in the name Lizet


Emotion evoked from the name Lizet

Lizet is generous and a humanitarian. She desires to turn our world into a better place for everyone. She uses her artistic and creative talents to promote a cause. Lizet is sophisticated, elegant, and stylish. She loves adventures like traveling and meeting new people. She also embraces change.

Alternative spellings for the name Lizet

  • Lizette
  • Lyset
  • Lyzette

Nicknames for the name Lizet

Popularity of the name Lizet

Lizet came on to the popularity charts in 1965. It gained popularity quickly, spiking in 1968 and then dropping quickly to the lowest point around 1977. After that, Lizet’s popularity started to steadily rise once again and peaked in 1989. It stayed steady from there and then reached its highest point in 1999.

Related names for the name Lizet

Great middle names for Lizet and their meanings

  • Martha (lady or mistress of the house)
  • Liliana (lily)
  • Eliana (God has answered)
  • Laura (bay laurel plant)
  • Michelle (who resembles God)
  • Carla (free woman)
  • Judith (woman from Judea)
  • Gabriela (devoted to God)
  • Asteria (starry)
  • Alejandra (man’s defender)

Famous people with the name Lizet

There were no famous people found with the name Lizet spelled in that way

Lizets in popular culture

  • A drug that is used to treat allergic reactions.
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