

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lillyanna is a unique spelling variation of Liliana. It has a humbler and more approachable feel. Lillyanna is much more unique also, as it is only a top 3,000 option for girls.

Meaning of the name Lillyanna:

American: combination name

Origin of the name Lillyanna:

The baby name Lillyanna is a modern combination name. Parents invented it in the twentieth century as a unique option for their daughters. It comes from the names Lilly and Anna. Lilly comes from the Latin word “lilium” and is the name of a flower. Anna is an ancient option derived from the Hebrew Channah in the Old Testament.

Symbolism of the name Lillyanna:

The baby name Lillyanna translates to “combination name.” Parents combined Lilly and Anna to come up with this creation. Lilly itself translates to “lily” or “pure.” The lily is a symbol of purity. Anna translates to “grace” or “favor,” as it comes from the Hebrew Channah.

Style of the name Lillyanna:


Gender of the name Lillyanna:

Lillyanna is a youthful name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Lillyanna:

lee-lee-AN-uh, lil-ee-AN-uh, lil-ee-AHN-uh

Number of syllables in the name Lillyanna:


Emotion evoked from the name Lillyanna:

Lillyanna feels youthful and simple. It is an upbeat and pleasant option for girls.

Alternative spellings for the name Lillyanna:

Nicknames for the name Lillyanna:

Popularity of the name Lillyanna:

Lillyanna has no records on the top 1,000 list of the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2022, it. is a top 3,000 option. More specifically, this simple option is number 2,945 for girls.

Related names for the name Lillyanna:

Great middle names for Lillyanna and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Lillyanna:

There are no famous people with the name Lillyanna.

Lillyannas in popular culture:

There are no popular culture references using the name Lillyanna.

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