

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lilianna is a likeable baby name for girls. With its balanced use of vowels and consonants, this name is a linguistic bridge between traditional and modern style. Lilianna is the name of a main character in the Naruto universe, and Lilianna Lokitar is also a character in the Fairy Tail series. Keep reading to learn more about this baby name.

Meaning of the name Lilianna:

Middle Latin: Lily flower
Hebrew: My God is an oath

Origin of the name Lilianna:

Lilianna is an alternative spelling of Liliana. This name has two origins. The first origin is that Liliana is a classic elaboration of the Middle Latin term lilium (meaning “lily flower”). In addition, Liliana is a variation of Lilian (a medieval nickname for Elizabeth). The name Elizabeth originated in Hebrew and means “my God is an oath.”

Symbolism of the name Lilianna:

Lilianna is a variation of Liliana (meaning “lily flower”). The universal symbol of the lily is the flowering white plant.

Style of the name Lilianna:


Gender of the name Lilianna:

Lilianna is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Lilianna:


Number of syllables in the name Lilianna:


Emotion evoked from the name Lilianna:

The name Lilianna evokes feelings of purity and praise.

Alternative spellings for the name Lilianna:

Nicknames for the name Lilianna:

Popularity of the name Lilianna:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Lilianna was the 842nd most popular baby name for girls in 2020.

Related names for the name Lilianna:

Great middle names for Lilianna and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Lilianna:

Lilianna in popular culture:

  • Lilianna (character in the Naruto universe)
  • Lilianna Lokitar (character in the Fairy Tail series)
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