Levi is a Biblical name that really became common in the United States around 1946, when Levi jeans, named after its creator Levi Strauss, began making clothing under their own label. Not only did this bring the name to the forefront of American minds, their popularity across the globe made the name Levi synonymous with denim jeans.
Meaning and Origin of the Name Levi:
Hebrew: United, joined
Levi is Hebrew in origin. According to the Old Testament, Levi was the third son of Leah and Jacob. He is also credited as the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Levi. The Torah proposes that the name Levi is referring to Leah's hope for Jacob to join her. As such, the name Levi means “united, joined”.
Symbolism of the Name Levi:
With the meaning of “united”, and “joined”, the name Levi signifies the founding or unification of something.
Nicknames for the Name Levi:
When it comes to a name like Levi, there are plenty of nickname options available! We've compiled the best choices into this handy list:

©MomsWhoThink / Ashley Haugen
Style of the Name Levi:
Gender of the Name Levi:
Levi is considered a baby boy name, but is becoming more common as a girl's name.
Pronunciation of the Name Levi:
Syllables in the Name Levi:
Emotion Evoked From the Name Levi:
The name Levi evokes a feeling of unity and harmony.
Alternative Spellings for the Name Levi:
Lévi, Levy, Lévy
Popularity of the Name Levi:
According to the Social Security Administration index, Levi was the 12th most popular boy name in 2022. The baby name Levi has ranked in the top 50 male names every year since 2013.
Related Names for the Name Levi:
Levon, Levon, Levee, Leevi, Levey, Levin
Great Middle Names for Levi and Their Meanings:
- Aiden (little fire)
- Brayden (son of Bradan)
- Dawson (son of David)
- Everett (brave boar)
- Ryder (mounted warrior)
- Xavier (new house)
Famous People with the Name Levi:
- Levi Strauss (creator of Levi jeans)
- Levi Stubbs (lead singer of the Four Tops)
- Levi Miller (actor who played Peter Pan in 2015’s “Pan”)
- Levi Alves McConaughey (Matthew McConaughey's son)
- Levi Roots (Reggae singer)
Levi in Pop Culture:
- Levi(character in the Thomas Hardy novel “Far from the Madding Crowd”)
- Levi Ackerman (character in “Attack on Titan”)
- Levi Stewart (fictional character in the Rainbow Rowell novel “Fangirl”)
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Simplylove/Shutterstock.com.