

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lakeesha is a slight variation of the spelling of the more common baby name, Lakeisha. It's generally thought to be an American name created in modern times with no real origin or meaning, but some people believe it has Arabic or Hebrew roots. It could even have a strong biblical association. We like the way Lakeesha sounds with one-syllable middle names.

Meaning of the name Lakeesha:

Arabic: Alive and well
Hebrew: Cassia tree

Origin of the name Lakeesha:

Lakeesha's exact origin is unknown, but there are some theories out there. It is possibly derived from the Hebrew name Keziah, which means “cassia tree.” It's also potentially derived from the Arabic name Aisha, which means “alive and well.”

Symbolism of the name Lakeesha:

In Arabic cultures, new parents often give babies meaningful names in order to ensure they have a good life ahead, so a name that means “alive and well” could be symbolic of that. If you believe the Hebrew origins of the name, the cassia tree is actually quite symbolic in Christianity. Its bark is considered an ingredient for anointing oil, as mentioned in the Bible.

baby name Lakeesha

Style of the name Lakeesha:


Gender of the name Lakeesha:

Lakeesha is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Lakeesha:


Number of syllables in the name Lakeesha:


Emotion evoked from the name Lakeesha:

The baby name Lakeesha evokes images of someone who is goal-oriented.

Alternative spellings for the name Lakeesha:

  • Lakeisha
  • Lakisha
  • Lakecia
  • Lakeysha
  • Laquisha 

Nicknames for the name Lakeesha:

  • Keesha
  • KiKi
  • Lake

Popularity of the name Lakeesha:

According to the Social Security Administration, Lakeesha has never been a top 1,000 baby name in the United States.

Related names for the name Lakeesha:

  • Keziah
  • Aisha 
  • Keisha
  • Latifah
  • Larissa

Great middle names for Lakeesha and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Lakeesha:

Lakeeshas in popular culture:

  • Lakeesha (character in the movie “Proud American”)
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