

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Kyrah is a feminine baby name with two pronunciation options. It originates, however, from the original spelling Kyra. Though never on the top 1,000 list thus far, Kyra itself has been a top 200 name for girls.

Meaning of the name Kyrah:

Persian: throne
Irish: little dark one

Origin of the name Kyrah:

Kyrah has an original spelling that is Kyra. This latter name is said to be the feminine version of the baby name Cyrus in Persia. Others believe, however, that it is a variation of Kira, which comes from Ciara. Ciara is the feminine version of Ciar, a Gaelic, descriptive baby name.

Symbolism of the name Kyrah:

The baby name Kyrah means “throne” in Persian as it has the same meaning as the masculine form, Cyrus. In Irish, it means “little dark one” as it is a version of Ciara, which ultimately dates to the Gaelic name Ciar.

Style of the name Kyrah:


Gender of the name Kyrah:

Kyrah is a regal and exotic baby name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Kyrah:

KEER-uh or KIE-ruh

Number of syllables in the name Kyrah:


Emotion evoked from the name Kyrah:

Kyrah feels exotic and free. It is a name associated with modernity and youthfulness.

Alternative spellings for the name Kyrah:

Nicknames for the name Kyrah:

Popularity of the name Kyrah:

Kyrah has never ranked on the top 1,000 list of the Social Security Popularity Index. The alternative spelling Kyra, however, has been on the top 200 list. It was found here in 1998 and from 2005 to 2007.

Related names for the name Kyrah:

Great middle names for Kyrah and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kyrah:

  • Kyrah Edwards (star on YouTube)

Kyrahs in popular culture:

No fictional characters are available with the baby name Kyrah.

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