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It's safe to say that Kinley is an American name that follows the trend of “K” names like Kenzie and Kelsey. However, many people believe it has Scottish roots. And others associate it with historic and geological giants like President William McKinley or Mount McKinley in Alaska. Whatever your reason for choosing this strong name for your baby girl, you'll enjoy hours of fun selecting a middle name because many pair so well with Kinley.

Meaning and Origin of the name Kinley:

Kinley is a beautiful name for girls of Gaelic origin that means “child of the fair-skinned warrior” or “white warrior.”

Kinley is a modern American name, but many believe it was derived from the Scottish surname McKinley or the Gaelic name MacFhionnlaigh, which means “child of the fair-skinned warrior.” Kinley may also have derived from the Irish phrase mac an léigh (meaning “son of the physician”).

Symbolism of the name Kinley:

Because of its association with President William McKinley and Mount McKinley in Alaska, the name Kinley may symbolize someone who is strong or a tough leader.

Style of the name Kinley:


Gender of the name Kinley:

Kinley is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Kinley:


Number of syllables in the name Kinley:


Emotion evoked from the name Kinley:

While Kinley may symbolize strength, it also evokes images of gracefulness and nature.

Alternative spellings for the name Kinley:

Nicknames for the name Kinley:

This sweet and adorable name has several nicknames that match its personality. We have put together this list of nicknames for Kinley to help you find the perfect nickname for your daughter. Kinley can be shortened from the beginning or the end to come up with a great nickname.

  • Kin
  • Kins
  • KiKi
  • Lee 
  • Lele
  • Ley

Popularity of the name Kinley:

Kinley first hit the charts of the top 1,000 baby names in the United States in 2006 and peaked in popularity in 2012. As of 2020, it remains on the chart, coming in at number 431, according to the Social Security Administration.

Great middle names for Kinley and their meanings:

  • Alice (noble)
  • Willow (willow tree)
  • Rae (ewe)
  • Frances (free man)
  • Elise (pledged to God)
  • Blythe (happy, carefree)
  • Eve (life)
  • Chanel (lives near the canal)
  • Jewel (gemstone)

Famous people with the name Kinley:

  • Kinley MacGregor (author)
  • Kinely McNicoll (soccer player)
  • Kinely Gibson (cyclist)
  • Kinley Mochrie (actor)
  • Father Kinley (character on the TV show “Lucifer”)
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