

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Kierra is a modern English baby girl’s name that possibly derives from the Irish name Ciara meaning “dark-haired” or the Italian name Chiara meaning “clear, bright, famous”. Kierra had short lived popularity between 1988 and 2010, peaking at #316 in 1995.

Meaning of the name Kierra:

Irish: dark-haired
Italian: clear, bright, famous

Origin of the name Kierra:

Kierra is a modern English baby girl’s name. Kierra is either a variant spelling of the Irish name Ciara meaning “dark-haired” or the Italian name Chiara meaning “clear, bright, famous”.

Symbolism of the name Kierra:

Despite the stereotype that all Irish people have red haired it is much more common for people of Irish descent to have dark hair. Around 40% of Irish people have medium or dark brown hair and an additional 20% have light brown hair.

Style of the name Kierra:


Gender of the name Kierra:

Kierra is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Kierra:


Number of syllables in the name Kierra:


Emotion evoked from the name Kierra:

Kierra evokes feelings of kind-heartedness and compassion.

Alternative spellings for the name Kierra:

Kiera, Chiara, Ciara, Kyerra

Nicknames for the name Kierra:

Popularity of the name Kierra:

According to the Social Security Administration, Kierra is a modern English baby girl’s name that first became popular in 1988. Kierra’s popularity was short-lived and it disappeared from the list in 2011.

Related names for the name Kierra:

Great middle names for the name Kierra and their meanings:

  • Ollie (olive tree)
  • Hollis (dweller at the holly trees)
  • Adair (shallow place in a river near oaks)
  • Violet (purple)
  • Arden (valley of the eagle)
  • Mila (gracious, dear)
  • Elle (she)
  • Rose (rose)

Famous people with the name Kierra:

  • Kierra Sheard (American gospel recording artist)
  • Kierra Trompf (Australian netball player)
  • Keira Knightley (English actress)

Kierra in popular culture:

  • Kierra Boltavine (literature, “Diversity Dominion”)
  • Kiera Tyrosh (literature, A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin)
  • Keira Whitaker (television, “The Game”)
  • Keira (video game, “Jak and Daxter”)
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