

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Kandis is an alternative spelling of the baby names Candice nad Candace. While this spelling has never been too popular, “K” names are on the rise, so it may become more common in the near future. The name actually has biblical origins, as well as some inspiration from a popular 1942 movie, “Meet the Stewarts.” It also relates to African royalty. Pair Kandis with a classic or current middle name — it works well with both.

Meaning of the name Kandis:

Greek: Queen mother, pure and innocent

Origin of the name Kandis:

Kandis is derived from Candace, royal title from the Bible. In the African Kingdom of Kush, it referred to the queen mother. It's also thought to mean “pure and innocent.”

Symbolism of the name Kandis:

Because of its biblical background, many people of the Christian faith may find symbolism in Kandis. Its meaning “pure and innocent” could be a symbolic choice for a new baby whose parents hope she remains pure and innocent in life. Because of its relation to royalty, new parens may choose it for that reason as well.

Style of the name Kandis:


Gender of the name Kandis:

Kandis is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Kandis:


Number of syllables in the name Kandis:


Emotion evoked from the name Kandis:

The baby name Kandis evokes images of someone with a lot of energy and determination.

Alternative spellings for the name Kandis:

  • Kandice 
  • Candice
  • Candis
  • Candace
  • Kandys

Nicknames for the name Kandis:

Popularity of the name Kandis:

According to the Social Security Administration, Kandis has never been a top 1,000 baby name for boys or girls in the United States.

Related names for the name Kandis:

Great middle names for Kandis and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kandis:

  • Kandis Williams (author and artist)

Kandis in popular culture:


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