Kaili is a unique and upbeat baby name for girls. It comes from two opposite cultures, Estonia and Hawaii. As of 2021 in the rest of America, Kaili is a top 7,600 option at rank 7,562.
Meaning of the name Kaili:
Hawaiian: worshipper of Kukailimoku
Estonian: combination name
Origin of the name Kaili:
Kaili has two origin stories. First, it is a traditional Hawaiian name among tribal people. This title is in reference to the deity Kukailimoku. In Estonia, Kaili is a combination of Kaie and Eliisabet. Kaie is a variant of Kaia, which is a diminutive of Katarina. Katarina is the Estonian form of Katherine, translating to “pure” or “clear.” Eliisabet is the Estonian version of Elizabeth, which translates to “my God is an oath.”
Symbolism of the name Kaili:
Kaili translates to “worshipper of Kukailimoku” in Hawaiian. It is the shortened form of the deity's title. Kaili translates to “combination name” in Estonia as parents made it from Kaie and Eliisabet.
Style of the name Kaili:
Traditional and classical
Gender of the name Kaili:
Kaili is a cultural name for girls.
Pronunciation of the name Kaili:
KIE-lee or KAY-lee
Number of syllables in the name Kaili:
Emotion evoked from the name Kaili:
Kaili is a youthful and upbeat baby name. It is unique and cultural.
Alternative spellings for the name Kaili:
Nicknames for the name Kaili:
Popularity of the name Kaili:
Kaili has no history on the top 1,000 list of the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2021, Kaili is a top 7,600 option. It is number 7,562 for girls.
Related names for the name Kaili:
Great middle names for Kaili and their meanings:
- Shayla (from the fairy palace)
- Mona (noble, aristocratic)
- Bridgette (exalted one, strength)
- Darra (wise, fruitful)
- Arwen (noble maiden)
- McKenna (ascend)
- Delaney (dark challenger)
- Shaylene (from the fairy palace)
Famous people with the name Kaili:
Kailis in popular culture:
- “Kaili Blues” (the title of a Chinese film)