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Josslyn is a spelling variation of Jocelyn. It dates back to the original tribal people of Germany, making it an ancient option. In. modern times, Josslyn is a top 5,400 baby name for girls.

Meaning of the name Josslyn:

German: a member of the Gauts tribe

Origin of the name Josslyn:

Josslyn is a spelling variation of the baby name Jocelyn. Jocelyn comes from one of three masculine German titles, Gaudelenus, Gautselin, and Gauzlin. It comes from the Germanic word “gaut,” the title for the Gaut tribe. The Normans brought the name to the rest of Europe during their invasion. They spelled it more like Josslyn and Jocelyn, as seen with Goscelin and Joscelin.

Symbolism of the name Josslyn:

The baby name Josslyn has the same meaning as the original spelling, Jocelyn. Jocelyn is a variation of Gaudelenus, Gautselin, or Gauzlin. The three latter options come from the word “gaut,” which represents a member of the Gaut tribe in Germany.

Style of the name Josslyn:


Gender of the name Josslyn:

Josslyn is a wholesome name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Josslyn:


Number of syllables in the name Josslyn:


Emotion evoked from the name Josslyn:

Josslyn is a formal and wholesome baby name. It is upper class yet humble.

Alternative spellings for the name Josslyn:

Nicknames for the name Josslyn:

Popularity of the name Josslyn:

Josslyn has no history on the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2021, Josslyn was a top 5,400 option. It was number 5,306 for girls.

Related names for the name Josslyn:

Great middle names for Josslyn and their meanings:

  • Rose (rose, a flower)
  • Grace (God's grace)
  • Corrine (beautiful maiden)
  • Claire (clear, light, bright)
  • Wren (small songbird)
  • Adele (noble, nobility)
  • Renee (reborn, born again)
  • Blythe (cheerful, pleasant, joyous)

Famous people with the name Josslyn:

There are no celebrities with the name Josslyn.

Josslyns in popular culture:

  • Josslyn Jax (character from “General Hospital”)
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