

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Jerrica was close to a top 500 name in America in the late twentieth century. The name is on the decline now, however, as it is rank 17,920 for girls. Jerrica is one of the most unique combination names for girls in America due to its rarity.

Meaning of the name Jerrica:

American: invented name

Origin of the name Jerrica:

Jerrica likely came from a combination of the names Jerri and Jessica. Jerri is the feminine form of the boy's name Jerry. Jessica, on the other hand, is a more ancient name. It originated from William Shakespeare's work, “The Merchant of Venice.”

Symbolism of the name Jerrica:

The baby name Jerrica means “invented name” in America because it does not have its meaning. Jerrica comes from the baby names Jerri and Jessica, combining the two.

Style of the name Jerrica:


Gender of the name Jerrica:

Jerrica is a trendy and urban name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Jerrica:


Number of syllables in the name Jerrica:


Emotion evoked from the name Jerrica:

Jerrica feels young, fresh, and cool. It is urban and modern, sure to make your daughter stand out.

Alternative spellings for the name Jerrica:

  • Jerika
  • Gerica
  • Gerika
  • Jerica 
  • Jericha
  • Gericha
  • Jerricka
  • Gerricka
  • Jericka
  • Gericka

Nicknames for the name Jerrica:

Popularity of the name Jerrica:

Jerrica was briefly a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the late twentieth century. In 1986, it came on the list at number 837. Jerrica left in 1995 at rank 978, however. In 1988 and 1989, Jerrica was ranked number 506 and 558, respectively.

Related names for the name Jerrica:

Great middle names for Jerrica and their meanings:

  • Darlene (little dear one)
  • Karas (living by the Karas river)
  • Carol (joyful song)
  • Kailey (slender)
  • Michelle (who resembles God?)
  • Kiona (brown hills)
  • Chelsea (chalk landing place)
  • Terri (reap, from Therasia)

Famous people with the name Jerrica:

No famous people have the baby name Jerrica.

Jerricas in popular culture:

  • Jerrica Benton (character from “Jem”)
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