

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Jayvion is a rare name with even rarer origins. It's a Greek name that signifies the ability to heal. Soulful and old, Jayvion is a name that just works when you want a unique title for your little boy!

Meaning of the name Jayvion:

Greek: Healing power
Hebrew: Offers advice, heals

Origin of the name Jayvion:

Greek. Jayvion is a Greek name that means one who can heal/healing power. It is a common name in Judaism.

Symbolism of the name Jayvion:

Jayvion evokes the power of healing. It is a name that is intended to speak of someone's spiritual strength.

Style of the name Jayvion:


Gender of the name Jayvion:

Jayvion is a boy's name that is commonly used in Judaism.

Pronunciation of the name Jayvion:


Syllables in the name Jayvion:


Emotion evoked from the name Jayvion:

The name Jayvion is intended to be a deeply spiritual name.

Alternative spellings for the name Jayvion:


Nicknames for the name Jayvion:

Jay, Ian, Vion, Von

Popularity of the name Jayvion:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Jayvion has never cracked the top 1,000 most common names at any point between 1900 and today.

Related names for the name Jayvion:


Great middle names for Jayvion and their meanings:

  • Caleb (faithful)
  • Chester (camp of soldiers)
  • Cohen (priest)
  • Daniel (God is my judge)
  • Dustin (brave warrior)
  • Griffith (strong chief)
  • John (graced by God)
  • Jorgenson (farmer)
  • Kent (edge)

Famous people with the name Jayvion:

  • Jayvion Queen (American football player)

Jayvions in movies/pop culture:

Jayvion hasn't yet made its mark on popular culture.

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