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Baby Names




The name Jaye is simply an alternative spelling to Jay. While Jay is typically thought of as a name for baby boys, Jaye with an “E” on the end is more common for girls, though may be used for both sexes. As a matter of fact, Jaye was quite popular as a given name for girls in the United States, even making the list of the top 1,000 baby names. It's short and simple and pairs well with almost any middle name. It also makes a great middle name in its own right.

Meaning of the name Jaye:

Latin: Bird

Origin of the name Jaye:

Jaye is a word name with Latin roots. It is literally a type of bird.

Symbolism of the name Jaye:

The baby name Jaye is largely associated with birds and nature. Many new parents will find symbolism here. It also makes the same sound as the letter “J,” so it could be a name used to honor a loved one with a “J” name, like John, Joseph, or Jennifer.

Style of the name Jaye:


Gender of the name Jaye:

Jaye is a unisex baby name, though this spelling is more common for girls

Pronunciation of the name Jaye:


Number of syllables in the name Jaye:


Emotion evoked from the name Jaye:

The baby name Jaye evokes images of someone who is very organized and a great communicator.

Alternative spellings for the name Jaye:

  • Jay
  • Jeye
  • Jey

Nicknames for the name Jaye:


Popularity of the name Jaye:

According to the Social Security Administration, Jaye was a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States in 1955, 1956, and 1957. It ranked at 913 in 1955, 734 in 1956, and 889 in 1957.

Related names for the name Jaye:

Great middle names for Jaye and their meanings:

For girls:

For boys:

Famous people with the name Jaye:

  • Jaye Davidson(model, actor, and stylist)
  • Jaye Griffiths (actress)
  • Jaye Jacobs (actress)
  • Jaye Luckett (musician, writer, and voice actor)
  • Jaye P. Morgan (singer, actress, and game show panelist)

Jaye in popular culture:

  • Jaye Tyler (character on the TV show “Wonderfalls”)
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